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Recipes with Vanilla

Bread, buns & biscuits Baking soda Bicarbonate of soda Salt ...

Eggs and sugar is stirred to mass is white and airy. The oil is added. Mix the dry ingredients and Add. Nuts and squash mixed in at the end. (Squashen gives off moisture during baking) Bake in two greased molds in approximately 1 hour, to loaves are baked thro

Desserts (cold) Almonds Grated lemon peel Vanilla ...

The milk is brought to the boil. Grynene sprinkled in under strong stirring in the boiling milk. Cook well 15 minutes stirring occasionally. The porridge kneaded lightly and stirred cool off with 3 whole eggs beaten with 2 tablespoons. sugar, a dozen traine

Desserts (cold) Almonds Grated lemon peel Vanilla ...

The milk is brought to the boil. Grynene sprinkled in under strong stirring in the boiling milk. Cook well 15 minutes stirring occasionally. The porridge kneaded lightly and stirred cool off with 3 whole eggs beaten with 2 tablespoons. sugar, a dozen traine

Drinks (cold) Vanilla Raw rhubarb juice Sugar ...

Sugar and juice is stirred together to the sugar is completely dissolved. Then mix it with certain items and filled on clean dry bottles, crammed and lakkes to and stored. There can be met vanillekorn in rhubarb juice with sugar.

Cakes in form Baking soda Salt Water ...

Mix the flour, baking powder, salt, cocoa and sugar. Stir it together with fat, egg, one teaspoon vanillie. Walnuts came in. Pour the mixture into a greased baking pan and bake at 180 degrees C for 20 minutes. Take out of the oven and spread the small ma

Porridge & gruel Apples (as many you want) Sugar (at will) Vanilla ...

Peel the apples and remove the core. Fault them well, and let a little water be on the apples. Put them in a glass bowl (heat-proof platter) and set it in the micro oven in 5-10 my. When taken out can the moses with a fork and season with sugar and vanilla.

Cakes in form Eggs Vanilla Sugar ...

Chop the butter and flour together. Chicken and almonds and chop them fine smut. Mix the almonds with sugar. Came the egg in and knead the dough together. Divide the batter into 2 pie molds. Bullet holes at the bottom with a fork. Bake on the Middle Groo

Desserts (cold) Whipped cream An outline: 1 serving Grated chocolate or crushed nougat ...

In a tart ring placed macaroon bottom, lubricated with a layer of pickled cherries. Then be half of the already cooked and cooled rice, which only just must be cooked until tender, not indkogt to a fixed rice pudding. To that end, spread a layer of custard and