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Recipes with Vanilla

Desserts (cold) Juice from 2 oranges Blue poppy seed Icing sugar ...

melt the chocolate in the water bath until it is liquid and approximately 50 degrees hot. Beat the egg yolks together with the sugar until it is light yellow. Scratch grains from vanillestangen in and add the blue poppy seeds. Add the chocolate into a thin bea

Desserts (cold) Vanilla Whipped cream Sugar ...

Egg yolks whipped very white and rigid with sugar and marrow by vanillen. The cream whipped stiff and reversed so gently down in vanilleæggemassen. The whole place in a form and be frozen for the next day.

Desserts (warm) Juice from 1 lemon Salt Calvados ...

The eggs are shared in separate bowl. (Golsad is freed from the shell and the sugar melted to caramel in a saucepan. The butter is added and golsad be carefully in karamellen. Flamber with calvados and add the orange juice. Golsad boil now tender in karamellen

Desserts (cold) Milk Vanilla Cream ...

Came the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl and scrape in. Whisk together. Bring the milk to a boil with the rest by vanillen. Pour the milk into the egg mixture while stirring. Pour back into the Pan and warm it up. It must not boil. Whip all the time. Take it fro

Cakes in form Icing sugar Raw egg white Vanilla ...

Stir the butter fluffy with 200 grams of sugar and stir vanillekorn, juice of 2 oranges and grated to be of 1 orange in. Add egg yolks one at a time and stir well for each. Stir in the cold coffee in. Mix the flour, baking powder and cocoa and stir it into

Pickling Fresh ginger-like 2 walnuts into small cubes Apple vinegar Vanilla ...

Mix all the ingredients-except the vinegar-in a pan and let it soak 6 hours or overnight, like before it boils. Add the vinegar and bring it all to a boil. Boil for a low heat without lid in a couple of hours to chutneyen are uniformly thick and glossy. Pour t

Pickling Atamon Vinegar Green Tomatoes ...

The tomatoes may not recognize. skinned or pricked. 1 boil together, and dsplay tomatoes (a little at a time) boil about 2 minutes is taken up. Sugar brine is boiled together. In this boil tomatoes 3-4 minutes (by size, large tomatoes maybe 10 minutes), sta

Cakes in form Chocolate frosting and coconut flakes Butter Plain flour ...

Stir in butter and sugar soft. Got two eggs, one at a time, and stir well. Came vanilla and half of the flour in. Mix it well. Got milk, the rest of the flour and the 3. eggs in and stir into the batter is smooth. Pour the dough in a well-oiled baking pan and