Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Cakes in form Grated chocolate Stir to a suitable consistency Vanilla sugar ...

Fat softened (consistency as mayonaise) and stir well with the sugar for a uniform mass, after which the eggs (stirring constantly) are added one at a time. The remaining ingredients sifted together with the flour, and stir it all into a homogeneous mass, w

Cakes Milk Eggs Cinnamon ...

Dissolve the yeast in the cold milk and the other ingredients kneaded into a uniform dough that is divided into 2 equal parts and shaped into balls, which rests a few minutes. Each ball then rolled out to a piece of 20 cm wide and 35 cm's length. Along the

Cakes in form Eggs M & m's Milk ...

The butter is melted, cooled by and stirred well with sugar. Egg stirred in. m & m'sne mix with the flour. Baking soda and vanilla sugar sifted and turned into egg mixture. Then add the milk and eventually the Piebald fill. CA. 30 min. in the midd

Cakes Fine salt Eggs Baking soda ...

Turn the oven on 200 °. Melt bagemargarinen. Butter lens molds with a bit of margarine. Whisk the egg lightly together and mix it with the milk and the rest of the margarine. In a new Bowl mix ¾ of the flour with salt and sugar. The flour is stirred qu

Cakes in form Eggs Milk Sugar ...

The butter is melted, cooled and stirred well with sugar. Egg stirred in. 3/4 of the nuts and Daimen chopped and mixed with flour. The rest is saved for garnish. Baking soda and vanilla sugar sifted and turned into egg mixture. Add the milk and finally

Cakes Apple-Strawberry or raspberry jam A little cardamom Eggs ...

The yeast stirred into the lukewarm milk. The other ingredients are added. The dough is kneaded until it is smooth and supple. Rolled out to an oblong piece of ca. 15x120 cm. and cut off for about 30 triangles. A little fill URf.eks. Apple, strawberry or raspb

Cold cuts Rough white pepper Oil Fresh salmon (preferably middle piece) ...

1. Skæer salmon through from the dorsal side, so there will be two halves. Rinse, dry and cut cfire fine. 2. Free the salmon strips for legs. Jack the knife just under benranden, and let the string close to the legs, so that as little laksekød mes as possible

Sauces Smoothed over with corn flour The marinade from paprika strips Pepper ...

The onion chopped and fried golden in a pan. Væden from paprikaen poured from and saved to the last. strips FRY further along with the onions for 5 mins. tarragon, ketchup, sugar, and add marinade and some gruel is on a low heat for five minutes Add the cr