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Recipes with Sugar

Desserts (warm) Orange grated skrall thereof Cinnamon Raisins ...

Butter a baking dish well with butter. Peel the apples and cut them into boats or large cubes. The apples came in a heat-proof serving dish-sprinkle some raisins and grated orange peel over together with sugar and cinnamon. Topping: Si flour and sugar in

Desserts (cold) Werther's original Ice cream Whipped cream ...

First you take the ice up, half an hour before you need it. Hugs Werther's, and whip the cream, here after the cut the ice into pieces and whipped cream, finally met in Werther's krømlet in, and it's all mixed and put in the freezer. Here after is made kara

Sides Sugar Onions in small cubes Raisins ...

Rinse broccolien thoroughly and cut it into very small florets. Mix the minced onion, raisins and dressing in. Allow the mixture to pull in 3 hours. Add the roasted bacon just before serving

Cakes in form Caramel Oatmeal Sugar ...

CARAMEL Sugar cooked light brown on a hot pan. 1 dl boiling water is poured gently over and cooked with the sauce is klupfri. Add 1 ½ dl water and give the sauce a rehash. the sauce is cooled. DOUGH MArgerinen touched soft. sugar and oatmeal dryseses i. w

Cakes in form Whole milk Baking soda Bicarbonate of soda ...

Term the dry parts together. Got eggs, melted butter and water in and whip with mixer. The batter is poured into a baking pan ca. 23x33 cm. bake on second-bottom Groove approximately 35 minutes at 170 degrees c. alm. oven. The cake must not bake too much

Cakes Orange Lemon Cake bottom ...

clean peel from Orange and lemon juice and put in the dish, beat fläden and put it in the dish and sugar jordbarne and put them in the dish is done let it kole an hour in koleskabet. smor it then on the cake bottom and garnish with roses Tips: 2 cake botto

Cake add-ons Grape Sugar Yoghurt eg a3 el natural. ...

mash bananas and höl juice from a grape into the dish. put sugar in turn around with a spoon and put a decorative let then as garnish

Cakes in form Salt Eggs Vanilla sugar ...

Mix all ingredients together, only half of the egg, make a ball out of the ingredients. Butter your cake pan with margarine and similar to the ball on your cake pan and press it into the form, the other half of the egg it smørrer you out on the cake. Tips: