Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Appetizers Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Thaw the prawns if frozen. Boil the eggs approx. 10 minutes (must be hard boiled). Defeat them completely. Mix cream cheese and cream fraiche. Arrow and mash 3 eggs. Mix them in the cream cheese cream. Season with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Boil th

Desserts (warm) Cinnamon Salt Vaniliestang ...

Remove the kernels and cut the apples into smaller pieces. Put them at the bottom of a greased oven dish. Mix flour with sugar, salt and vanilla. Heat the milk, whip eggs and rum together and put in the flour mixture and then stir in the milk. Pour the dough

Breakfast & brunch Grate up Salt Finely grated Apple ...

The margarine is melted and swirled with the curry for 2-4 minutes. Onions and apples are shaken with another 3-5 min. The flour is sprinkled and bake with the fat. The soup is spun. It can be said if the onion and apple do not boil adequately. The soup is sea

Mains Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Stir meat (possibly calf / pork) and grated onion with the other ingredients (close to mushroom and bacon) and let the dad rest for at least 30 minutes. Add carefully the freshly cleaned mushrooms in quarters. Form the dad for a bread put in a refractory di

Mains Oil Salt Pasta screws ...

Boil the pasta. Pour the gingerbread into a bowl and set aside. Pour 0.75 dl of water into a saucepan and melt the broth into it. Then pour the liquid broth into the yoghurt. Squeeze in and taste with salt. Take a pan and dry the pine nuts. They must NOT

Mains Chilli, crushed Turmeric, ground Oil ...

Start the whole process as if you were making a meat sauce. Heat the oil in a large saucepan while slicing onion and preserving garlic. When the oil is hot, both types of onions must be thrown in. Step for approx. 4-5 min. At almost full heat. Then the m

Mains Oil and margarine for frying Pepper Salt ...

Start with the marinade for the tomato salad, which is mixed and poured over tomato slices plated in a flat bowl and sprinkle with onion and parsley. Set cool for later. The chicken thighs rub with salt and pepper and brune well in a saucepan. Then add the ma

Lunch Lime juice Pepper Salt ...

Cut the advocado and pepper in cubes and put it in a bowl. Pour the water from the tuna and mix it with the lawyer and the peppers, but be careful not to get to the moss lawyer. Pour cream craiche into the amount you think is appropriate. Season with salt,