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Recipes with Salt

Appetizers Hvidløgsost-like from arla buko Pepper Salt ...

2-3 large tortilla pie cakes are laid out. The garlic cheese is stirred with a little salt and pepper and lubricated in a smooth layer on each pancake (amount to taste, but remember to roll so a thin layer is preferable) and the chopped salad spreads beyond th

Mains Pepper Salt Squash, diced ...

First turn finely chopped onions and finely chopped or crushed garlic in the oil. Then add the chopped beef as brownish. Half the liter of boiling water is poured over and the boulion is poured into and once dissolved, all kinds of tomatoes are added. Now all

Mains Basil Dijon mustard Grøntsagsbunden after frying ...

The meat: Pour off and mix the marinade, put the meat in and draw 12-24 hours in the refrigerator. Vegetable bottom: Cut the tomatoes into the tomatoes and cook them tips: Marinate the meat: Pudding to the seasons and mixing marinade, fling the meat and

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Salt 5-grain mix ...

Mix yeast and the lukewarm water in a large bowl. Put the cereal mixture (or sunflower seeds) in a small pot of boiling water. Let the cereals boil for 3 min. Stir around once in a while. Pour the grains into a sieve and let them drip off. Mix the oil, s

Cookies Orange grated to thereof Bicarbonate of soda Salt ...

The margarine is well-stirred with dough and egg, orange peel is stirred. All the dry stuff incl. Perfect fit mix well and stir in the margarine mix. Put on slices of baking paper and baking 10 min for 175 gr hot air. tips: As a diabetic you should eat a

Soups Bay leaves Onion cut into 2 parts Oil ...

Boil water with onion, salt, bay leaves and cardamom in a small gazepose. Put the chickens in and cook them until they are tender. Cut them into nice pieces and raise them. Remove the herb bag and moss loose. Boil the soup, add the frozen Molokhiya and stir un

Appetizers Wheat flour Concentrated tomato puree Cheese ...

Pancakes: Mix flour with egg and beer and add butter And finally the milk. Bake on a hot forehead without the need for grease. Filling: A rather thick sauce is made of chopped onions and an apple cut into cubes is swirled in a little fat, when golden, curr

Buffets Real chili sauce super hot Grated ginger Cayenne pepper ...

Divide chicken wings into 2 pieces, salt the chicken wings and let them pull for an hour, then put them in a large freezer, where the flour comes and shake well to spread the flour. They are put on baking paper, which is greased by greasy spray. They are bake