Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Lunch Butter for frying Sour cream Large bunch chives ...

Stir flour, salt and milk well together. Whip the eggs and let the dough rest for 30 minutes. Whip it through and put the pancakes in butter, let them cool off. Butter the pancakes with creme fraiche and finely chopped chives. Lay the salmon slices over and ro

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

The root and the faded leaves are removed from the spring bulbs. They rinse thoroughly in running water, dip dry and with 2/3 of the green leaves cut into 3 cm long pieces. Broth and white wine are boiled. The spring bulbs are added and boil under low heat for

Cold cuts Vinegar Feldt lettuce for garnish Oil ...

Salmon and chopsticks are chopped finely and added coarsely sliced ​​oysters. The mixture draws a little before spice with salt and pepper. The tomatoes are freed for kernels and chopped well with a cookie knife and placed in a bowl. Add finely chopped garlic

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Casserole: Bowl of flour, salt and fat, cut into smaller pieces, in a food processor or bowl. Chop the ingredients together with a knife or mash them with a fork until the mixture is crumbled. Add eggs and possibly. Water and knead quickly dough together. Pack

Mains Oil for brushing the bottom Sour cream 18% Smoked salmon sliced ...

Dissolve the yeast in lukewarm water and add salt, oil and flour (hold a little flour). Beat the dough well together. Cover the bowl with a lid or aluminum foil and let the dough lift a loose place approx. 40 min. Heat the oven to 225 degrees. Put a large baki

Lunch Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Clean the spinach and boil for 5 minutes in salted water. Dip it off in a sieve and push the wrap out with the back of a saucepan. Sprinkle with spinach. Sprinkle with mushrooms, salt and pepper. Shake the bread on toaster or in the oven. Brush a pan with oil

Mains Pepper Salt Spring onions ...

Cut the fillets into pieces and scratch the skins with a sharp knife. Step only on the skinside, first at high heat and then with mild heat. Cover over With stanniol at last. Is finished when the meat is milky white. Compote of onions: The red onions are c

Mains Lemon Dill for garnish A little tabasco and sugar ...

Cut the celery stalks into small slices and put them in a bowl, like some of the leaves. Cut the apples in half and cut half the apples in 3 parts. Each portion is cut into thin slices and mixed with the celery hangers. Get dressed and stir around. Put i