Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Mains Pepper Salt Frying margarine for frying ...

The finely chopped onions Brown in frying margarine. Then add the minced beef, as Brown. The peeled tomatoes chopped finely and added with the liquid from the tomatoes. The pressed garlic added with oregano and grated carrots. The bacon cut into small cubes an

Bread, buns & biscuits Sugar Water Wheat flour ...

Add the ingredients as described in the manual for your machine. The sequence above should be correct. The more flour you can get hold of the better. It takes less than 2 minutes to make this wonderful bread, and it is perfect for a morning coffee. Tips:

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Rye flour, wholemeal Corn flour ...

Pour the ingredients in bagemaskinen in the order recommended in the owner's manual, and set the machine on normal baking. This bread is very well suited for delayed baking so it is fresh on the breakfast table.

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Sugar Whole milk ...

Take bageformen out of bagemaskinen. Pour the milk in bageformen. Then add the salt, sugar and sifting in that order. Make a small pocket in the flour, and add tørgæren. Put bageformen in bagemaskinen. Select the menu to the fancy bread, and select bread th

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Slice potatoes in a ildfastfad-Kom-chop onion and mix it with potatoes-insert kyllingfile at the top of the potatoes-pour the cream into a bowl and stir it together with ketshup and spices. -Pour the cream over chicken and potatoes so. -Made in oven at 160 deg

Soups Chili Peper Salt ...

Brown bækon champingnons onion the snite peper meat in magarine on a forehead got it all in a grude and to set the soup boil nullern in water with salt and a little oil got it in syppen and cook it all up

Bread, buns & biscuits Yeast Milk Margarine ...

The milk to be heated and yeast dissolved in it. Add the margarine. I usually take out a few hours before the margarine so that it quickly becomes dissolved. Then pour it in a large bowl (or 2 there is a lot of dough) flour, salt and sugar added. Then should i

Lunch Wheat flour Garlic Garlic salt ...

Stir the yeast into the water add the salt, oil, lukne durummel and whole grain rugemel. Add flour until dough is steady and manageable. Style the uncovered in 1/2 time. Cut the soltøret tomatoes, olives and garlic into small pieces and knead it into the dough