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Recipes with Salt

Desserts (warm) Salt Vaniliesukker Light forin ...

Eggs and forin whipped foamy. Herein the melted butter, flour, salt, bagepulveret, and vaniliesukkeret. Tykmælken have to thin water down to a little at a time. Tips: Taste the dough with more or mindere of salted and vaniliesukkeret.

Mains Fresh basil or oregano Parmesan Pepper ...

The chopped onion + garlic simmer on a low heat for approx. 5 min. The pureed tomatoes, Sun-dried tomatoes + spices and white wine added. The sauce simmer at low heat for 30-45 min. If the sauce gets too dry (thick), you can add a little more white wine or a l

Lunch Pepper Salt Coarse salt ...

Stir the yeast into the water. Add the salt, oil and flour and knead the dough well. Let dough raise in 40 min. Roll dough out into a rectangle approximately 40 x 40 cm. mix together the tomato paste, oregano, garlic and about 175 g of the cheese together. But

Mains Fedststof Corn flour to jævning Pepper ...

Cut the fillets and peberen into smaller strips/cubes. Brown both in the fat. Then add water so that the meat is covered. Let simmer for about 15 minutes, Add the desired amount of pikantost and stir well. Add if necessary. Corn flour if you want a thicker con

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Cut all the meat into large cubes and Brown in a pan. Season with salt, pepper and ginger. Steam leeks, carrots and onion in a little butter. Take a Baekenofe-form or a pot with a lid and put ingredien provisions of layered. Potatoes on the bottom, then car

Porridge & gruel Salt Milk , round grain milled ...

The rice is boiled in water for 8 minutes. The milk is poured in and the whole is given a rehash. The porridge salted after-taste. It all poured over in servofixen where it should be in 1 ½ hours. Before serving take the rice out of soak and mixed with the mil

Dressing Pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

Pour the tuna up into a strainer so that the oil flows from. Make sure that the tuna will be finely ground. Mix sour cream, tomato paste, lemon juice, salt and pepper in a bowl-eventually reversed the tuna in. Tips: Serve with pita bread, together with cor

Cakes Salt Melted butter/margarine Baking soda ...

Melt the butter and cool it a little. Beat the ingredients and add the water. The melted butter, beat in the batter just before frying in the waffle iron. Tips: Serve with jam or ice cream.