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Recipes with Salt

Appetizers Pepper Salt Finely chopped onion ...

The eggs are moses and stirred together with chopped onion. Mix sour cream, mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Put the isinglass soaked in cold water for a few minutes. Melt it over the water bath and cool it a little of before the lemon juice mixed in. Add the othe

Various A little whole milk if batter becomes too thick Margarine for frying Salt ...

Flour, salt, sugar, egg yolks and buttermilk whipped well together. If the dough is too thick add a little whole milk. Whites whipped stiff and invert gently into the dough with a spoon or spatula. Apple slices Bake at medium heat in takoyaki. Remember to melt

Cakes Salt Water Coarse salt ...

Dissolve the yeast in lukewarm water Sift flour into a bowl, pour the dissolved yeast and mix with down the middle of the flour, slowly from the middle. Slowly add lukewarm water and salt, knead the dough to make bubbles, dough should not hang at the Bowl more

Sides Roasted bread cubes Salt Boiled potatoes ...

The potatoes peeled and stirred through a press, mix with salt, eggs and flour. Dough kal be such that one can shape the dough balls. The dough must be kneaded well. Got a little flour on your hands and shape dough balls. In each bun to get a little of the but

Mains Wheat flour A little chicken powder Oil ...

the chicken is cleaned and placed in a large pot covered with water. celery, parsnip, carrot, onion and Leek cut into coarse cubes and add the chicken cooked in about 3 hours, then pick all the meat from the chicken and the Foundation sifted. melt the butter i

Mains Pepper Rice Salt ...

Neck Fillet cut into 2-3 cm sized terningr. Onion and garlic chopped fine. Meat, onions, hvisløg and masala mix in a bowl, and pulls the ½-1 hour in the refrigerator. Peberfrugten cut into cubes. Kødblandningen fried, tomatoes and broth is poured so by. Simmer

Soups Flûtes Pepper Salt ...

Onion and peberfruger cut into cubes and FRY in a pan with oil. Lentils, broth, lemon juice and thyme are added, and the soup boiled in 5-6 minutes, season with salt and pepper. Tips: The soup is low in fat.

Desserts (warm) FAT to the waffle iron Salt Baking soda ...

The nuts are toasting in the oven approximately 5-10 minutes until shell can easily tamper-proof of the blended or grated fine. The butter and sugar with the egg yolks, stir flour and baking powder, milk and add grand marnier, spiced with a little salt. Beat t