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Recipes with Salt

Mains Pepper Salt Squash (Seedless), diced ...

Turkey Breast seasoned with freshly ground pepper. Fry the bacon in a dry pan. Put a piece of fat sucking paper. In the frying fat Brown the Turkey Breast well and the meat is taken by the forehead. The rest of the fat is poured into a good saucepan. Onion and

Lunch Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

Let the marinated herring fillets drip. Chop the herbs finely and cut the cucumber into small cubes. Chop the onion coarsely. Mix the vegetables in cream fraichen and season with salt and pepper. Cut the herring fillets out in smaller pieces and turn the

Sides 2-3 tablespoons sour cream Pepper Salt ...

Arrow the onion and chop it finely. Slice the peppers fear into small cubes. Heat oil, fry the onion until it is clear. Stir in vinegar, add the broth in parika., bell peppers, tomato and potato. Mix everything well. Let simmer for 10 minutes. Season with s

Mains Pepper Salt Yellow pepper ...

Brown koteletterne first and place them in an ovenproof dish Brown so champinon and onions so I forgot and write quite easily pour the rest when you have cream or crem fin pour it in and taste it to put it in the ovens ve d 200 g for about 45-60 my it is very

Sides Pepper Milk Eggs ...

Stir the meat cool with salt (always) electric beater. Grate the onion in the forcemeat, add eggs, milk, flour and pepper. Stir well together. Form forcemeat into meatballs and fry them golden brown.

Mains Basil, dried Pepper Salt ...

Cut the carrots in reverie Champingoner rensen and cut into slices peberfrugten cut into fine small pieces of scallions cut into ca. 1 cm-thick slices. Fry the bacon for about 5 minutes and add the beef. Sauté the vegetables in a little oil. eventually m

Soups Curry Bay leaves Peppercorn ...

Poularen boiled in water with a little salt and be taken up when the meat is tender Fund have to thin water down to there is a litre and add a bouillionterning. In a pan sauté the following groftskåret herbs onion Apple carrot celery Peppercorn thyme and Bay l

Mains Oregano Pasta Pepper ...

Start with putting the pasta over. Whip the cream stiff, add the egg and whisk in the shell was 2 min. Sauté onion, tuna and prawns to the onions become soft. Add the spices. Pour the cream over and warm while stirring for the sauce is cooked all the way into