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Recipes with Rhubarb

Base recipes Rhubarb ...

Rhubarb is delightfully easy to freeze, they should only be cleaned, rinsed and cut into desired pieces, not something to blanch and such. They will be soft after optøgning and therefore best suited to the porridge.

Desserts (warm) Sugar Eggs Orange peel, grated ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees c. alm. oven. Turn the chopped rhubarb with sugar, cornstarch and lemon peel and benefit them in 4 ovnfaste bowls. Whisk the egg with the sugar and add the oats and coconut. Divide the batter over the fruit and set the bow

Desserts (cold) Vanilla Vanilla pod Water ...

Rhubarb chop into small pieces. Boil 400 Gr. Of rhubarb with sugar, a split vanilla pod and a little water. Save possibly. half of vanillekornene to the cream later. Boil rhubarb kompotten by even heat for about 20 minutes until it becomes dense and thick in c

Desserts (cold) Red food coloring Water Vanilla pod ...

Clean the rhubarb and cut them into coarse pieces, bring them slowly to the boil with the water and let them Cook till they are cooked until tender (in addition to fit the old grove rhubarb well). The porridge is pressed through sieve with back of a spoon,

Cakes in form Eggs Wheat flour Potato flour ...

Guilt rhubarb and cut them. benefit them in a greased pie dish approx. 27 cm. in diameter. mix sugar and potato flour mix and sprinkle it over the rhubarb. Put in the oven at 200 degrees C alm. oven for 10 minutes. Smulder margarine and flour together. g

Cakes in form Cake cream Water Mandelesens ...

Stir in butter and sugar light and fluffy. Stir in the egg yolks. Add the grated Marzipan, along with the grated potatoes, flour and baking powder. Turn finally the Diocese of whipped egg whites in. Bake in springform ca. 24 cm. in diameter at 175 deg

Cakes in form Lemon, thereof Eggs Sour cream 18% ...

Dough: knead the flour, sugar, lemon zest, eggs and soft butter to it forms a ball. Deck the dough over a springform approx. 26 cm. in diameter and bullet holes in the dough. Bake the dough in the middle of the oven at 200 degrees C alm. oven for about 10

Pickling Juice and finely grated must of 1-2 lemons Fresh or frozen strawberries Rhubarb ...

Wash the strawberries and remove the flower, unless the berries are frozen, rinse also rhubarb, remove top and bottom and cut the rhubarb "bars" in slices. Pour the juice in a saucepan along with Strawberry and rhubarb and cook it in 20 min, or for rhubarb