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Recipes with Oregano

Mains Basil Oregano Pepper ...

Boil the spaghetti. Rose then chicken/kalkunfiletten on the forehead, and cut it into small pieces. Also cut the onion and bell pepper into small pieces. Melt 50 g margarine in a saucepan and saute the onions first. Then met bell peppers and peas in,

Mains (if a little wetness by peberne when they are oven-fried poured it in the sauce) Wheat flour or light sauce thickens Ketchup ...

Peppers: the top where the stem sits on peberne cut off and discarded, they cleaned. The rest are mixed to the father's and fill in peberne. They are put in an ovenproof dish with edge and FRY in ca. 45-60 min. small bouquet of str. by 180 Gr. Rice cooked bene

Lunch Broth Pepper Salt ...

Boil the rice. Sauté the meat in quite a bit of broth and add tomatoes and spices. Let it småsimre in some minutes season with salt and pepper and toss the cooked rice into the kødsausen. Pour kødsausen in the peppers. Put them in a baking dish and bake them a

Cold cuts Oil Oregano Pepper ...

Liver, onions, bacon and anchovies in a food processor chop eggs, milk, oil, salt, pepper, bread crumbs, cognac is stirred into the dough pour in buttered moulds. and bake in a Bain Marie 200gr ca 45 min Tips: Can be frozen uncooked or baked

Mains Oregano Pizzatopping from svansø Salt ...

warm the milk to hand warm. Udrør yeast in salten and add eggs, stir well. Add the milk while stirring and came next, oregano in the flour in until the dough feels. getting good solid and knead it well, add more flour if necessary to the non stick more. Rol

Sauces Oregano Pepper Salt ...

Fry the bacon until it is delicious Golden, add sautéed with onions until they are soft. Then pour the tomato and cream by, it is given a little rehash for a few min. and season. You must not skimp on Kryderurterne and allroundmixen, since it is what puts the

Mains Oregano Pepper Salt ...

Start by putting the water over to pasta and cook it according to instructions on package. hot tuna in a pan and add the tomato and spices. five minutes before the pasta is done, pour cream into the sauce and stir fraice. heats well through and serve immediate

Soups Chili pepper Oregano Herbal salt/broth ...

Hokaidoen cut and remove the seeds with a spoon. Then a family hokaidoen with Peel and boil in water together with coarsely chopped celery, parsley and onion. When the vegetables are tender blended the soup and season with salt and chili pepper/broth and oreg