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Recipes with Oregano

Mains Cucumber Feta cheese Vegetables for a mixed salad URf.eks ...

Form 4 patties of horse meat Came them up on a fat-free frying pan and let them cook until they are golden brown in color then add the spices and salt and let the steaks Cook finished Low a mixed salad and serve to

Soups Ciabatta bread Fresh parsley Marjoram ...

Profile chili and garlic to a fine blend. Pour the oil in a pan and gently fry the chilli, garlic together pasta-chicken mixture. Sprinkle with oregano, marjoram and parsley, baby with bouillon and soup simmer 7-8 my lan, to the pasta is tender. Season with sa

Mains Oil Oregano Parmasan ...

put oil in the pan. Saute onions until clear then put beef in hk. Com peeled tomatoes, tomato puree, celery, cream and parsley in. Then add salt, pepper, oregano and parmasan cheese to taste. Kødsovsen confused with pasta screws. Tips: served with bague

Mains Or 1 ds. chopped tomatoes Vegetable soup (gapazio-on bottle) Lasagna/pasta plates as needed ...

Brown the chopped onion in a pan with a little butter. Put the beef then down along with the Roasted Onion. Add vegetable gravy (or chopped tomatoes) until the kødsovsen get the right consistency. After it has been up to boil you then add spices to taste. Whil

Mains Eggs Sour cream Coarse salt ...

All the ingredients are mixed together into a greasy sausage meat. Forcemeat rolled into small buns and fried on the gang to have been fried. Tips: Served with fresh pasta like or/and salad. The meatballs are suitable also well for lunch box snacks.

Appetizers Groftkværnet pepper Garlic Oregano ...

Væden poured from the tomatoes and the chopped and place in a saucepan. Onion and garlic chopped and added with oregano and salt and pepper to taste. Småkoger under lid for approx. 5 min. Tomato mixture is distributed in 4 refractory individual bowls. The p

Mains Basil Oregano Pepper ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Cook the pasta until it is tender. Drain and mix the pasta with the tomato puree. Put krydderrierne i. (according to taste) Butter a baking dish and put alternating pasta and cheese in the dish. Bake it for about 20 minutes (fo

Mains Oregano Grated cheese Salt ...

Knead the dough thoroughly and let the draw half an hour during a tea towel. While the dough out, turn on the oven at 225 degrees, Brown the beef and cook it together with corn and salted + a half cups milk. Roll the dough out to a square/circle and place on a