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Recipes with Isinglass

Desserts (cold) EVS. 2 tbsp. Sherry, rum or the like Isinglass Whipping cream, whipped into foam ...

The crispy chocolate is melted in boiling cream. The soaked house blast is melted therein. The chocolate is cooled. It is poured into a striped or enameled bowl that holds 3/4 liters and rotates around it, until the mold is covered inside with chocolate. This

Desserts (cold) Cream rim or 1/2 litre pudding Pineapple, 250 g Sugar ...

Cook the cream cheese or cook 1/2 liter of Eventyr pudding poured into a wet edge shape and cool. The husblasen is soaked and melted in 1/2 dl of boiling water. Sugar and ¾ dl pineapple slice are stirred in. The solution is stirred at once in the whipped cream

Appetizers Pepper Salt Watercress ...

Timbale: 4 small foil shapes or cups of 1.2 dl, "fores" with the salmon slices. The house block is soaked in water. The shrimp are chopped roughly and tied free of water and mixed in the crème frâichen. Season with horseradish and lemon. The house block is mel

Desserts (cold) Lemon Sugar Isinglass ...

Put the house block soft in cold water for 10 minutes. Rub the strawberries through a sieve or drive them to mash in a blender of sugar and lemon juice. Knock the house blast and melt it over the water bath in the water that is attached. Stir the lightly co

Desserts (patisserie) Possibly orange liqueur Orange juice Isinglass ...

Place a cup of water in a bowl of water so it covers. Bring orange juice and sugar into a pan and let it boil. Put egg yolks in a bowl and whip them together. Pour the hot orange juice over the egg yolks while whipping. Pour it all back into the pan and

Desserts (patisserie) Chocolate plums Orange juice The reef must be from usprøjtet Orange ...

Place the house block in soft in cold water. Whip the egg yolks with the sugar until it is bright. Whip the whites and the cream stiff, separately. Stir the orange and lemon juice and the cracked shell in the egg yolks. Melt the house blossom and stir it in th

Cakes in form Egg yolk Egg white Cake cream ...

Shortcrust: Flour and baking soda are sifted together. Cold butter chopped in. Sugar and egg yolks are stirred for egg scraps with which the dough is collected. It is rolled out on a butter-baked layer cake form. The marzipan is softened with sugar and egg wh

Cakes in form Lemon juice Isinglass Eggs ...

Tear the marcipan and mix it with the eggs to a steady amount. Dress a round shape, about 23 cm in diameter with baking paper. Put the almond in the mold and bag it at 175 degrees on the bottom shelf for about 35 minutes until it is baked and golden. Remove th