Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Isinglass

Desserts (cold) Cream Vanilla Fromage frais ...

First soak the house blister in lukewarm water. Then heat the concentrated shelf of flour in a saucepan and melt the soaked house blister in it. Cool the mixture to room temperature and stir the fromage fry and the chopped grains from the vanilla bar in.

Appetizers Fish stock/water Small salads URf.eks feld salad, the innermost of the main-or friseésalat Dill ...

Free the salmon for the skins and legs. Chop it through the fine holes in the meatbag. Stir it with the soft butter and add blanched and finely chopped shallots. Whip the cream well and add the hand-warmed, soaked, blended husblas. Now add the salmon juice

Cold cuts Large cup 18% sour cream Smoked salmon Isinglass ...

Run the salmon through the blender together with half of the creme fraichen - stir well together. Add the rest of the creme fraichen. Place the house blend softly in cold water for 2 minutes. Knock the water off and melt it with the water that hangs in the wat

Sandwiches Beans English sauce English celery ...

Sylte: The salmon fillet is cut into 2 cm thick strips. These steamed or roasted until the fish is labeled approx. 2-3 minutes and cool. The vegetables are also cut into strips, blanched and cooled. Then lay the salmon and vegetables layered in an elongated Al

Appetizers Pepper Salt Whipped cream ...

Place the house block in cold water for 5 minutes. Melt it over water bath and let it swell. Cut the cooked salmon and the 150 g smoked in small pieces. Bring them in a blender with the fish soup. Blend it together. Bring the mixture into a bowl and stir in wi

Appetizers A little chopped pistachio nuts Pepper Salt ...

Damp the salmon fillet in white wine, water, dill and bay leaves. It must only be cooked through. Take the salmon out of the pan. Say the law and save it. Cool the salmon off. Cut some of the smoked salmon into strips and put them at the bottom of a spring sha

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Rinse and clean carrot and leek. Cut them into slices and put them in a pot of parsley. Pour water and wine in and add the spices. Bring it to boil and simmer approx. 10 minutes. Put the broth, pour it back into the pan and taste it with a little salt. Cut

Mains Sliced salmon Frozen peas Fish soup ...

The cleaned salmon is steamed in a greased dish or foil in the oven at 160 gr. For approx. 1 hour or cooked in fish farms. The fish loosens while it is still hot from the skin and legs. The fillets are cooled and then laid on a thin layer of mayonnaise and cov