Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Crème fraiche 38%

Mains A few drops of lemon juice Salt Black pepper from the grinder ...

First cut the salmon into 1 cm wide strips. Then stir in milk with sour cream in a pan, and boil it up. stir a jævning of cornstarch and water, and smooth milk mixture. Then you pour the salmon and the thawed peas in the sauce. Season the mixture with salt and

Appetizers Lemon Danish hummer ca. 600 g Dill ...

Hummeren blanched 10-15 sec. in the game of boiling salted water, then into cold water. The flesh can now be taken out of the shell while it is "raw". Tail meat rolled tight in kitchen movie to a cylinder and freeze. Jerusalem artichokes peeled and cut into th

Sides Lemon Crème fraiche 38% Virgin lobster ...

Shell tamper-proof of, and it gives jomfruhummeren an incision in the back, so the black string can be removed. Rinse it under cold water. Prepare Scampis in much the same way as the prawns. Eaten with baguettes and lumpfish ROE with crème fraiche 38%, finely

Salads Crème fraiche 38% Minced garlic Olive oil ...

Buy fresh raw langoustines. Arrow Norway lobster tails free of husk. Save shells for a time lobster Bisque, or throw them away, what will be the sin, for which sits so much good taste in them. Warm ½ l fish stock in a pan. Add the creme fraiche 38% and boil it

Sauces Salad oil Crème fraiche 38% Brown sugar ...

Mix mustard, brown sugar, salad oil and Dill tips in a pan that size can be set into a larger pan. Thus can prepare a water bath. Fill as much water in the large pot, the midre ditto can be therein without the water runs over. The water to the boil and lulled

Sides Lemon Pepper Salt ...

The flower Bowl rinse and cleaned, and shared in the stick and bouquets. All cut into cubes which are to hash (food)-every thing for himself. 1/3 of the bouquets are taken from. Boil the rest of the bouquets and put them together with the raw florets for dr

Salads Fresh green or red Basil Pepper Olive oil ...

Remove the stick from the salad and rinse it gently in cold water. Shake it well clear of the water and place it in the refrigerator in a plastic bag in a few hours, preferably overnight. Cut the bread into fine dice, grate them Golden in oil and put them onto

Salads Pepper Salt Chopped tarragon ...

Steam the fish in the oven at 180 degrees with salt approximately 3 minutes. Let it cool off. Arrow the prawns. Cut the papaya into small cubes. Mix fish and papaya. Mix the ingredients for the marinade and flavor it with maple syrup. Pour appropriate amount o