Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Crème fraiche 38%

Appetizers Bay leaves Pepper Peppercorns, black ...

Mousse: Start by cooking the salmon 5-10 minutes in salted water, if necessary. with some Bay leaves and peppercorns, save water and use as fish broth, boils down or have to thin water down up so the crowd fits and sieved. Husblasen soak in cold water for f

Mains Cream Wheat flour Suit ...

Femur boning of the Turkey Club. Fill: Grate bacon light brown in a pan Add all the vegetables and let it småstege approx. 2 min. Mix cream fraichen in vegetables and take the Pan from the heat. Season Turkey with salt and pepper to taste into a Club-and

Mains Brown sugar Fisheries Fund (hull from turbot) Pepper ...

Pighvaren cut in four Nice fillets. The large fillets cut into and stored. Fish meat and the two small fillets blended together with eggs, cream and crushed chocolate and salt and pepper to taste. Advantage forcemeat on turbot fillets, and then they are ready

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Part 6-8 the chicken in pieces. Brown the pieces in butter on a sautérpande or in a frying pan that withstands that come in the oven, and pull them up. Cut the shallots into narrow boats and cutters rodurterne out in half coarse cubes. Came the vegetables i

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

The mallet is split into muscles: Under-and outer thighs as well as the lump. A little bit of Brown and FRY pieces of meat in the oven at about 180 degrees c. alm. oven for approximately 10-12 minutes over two laps, so two times 10-12 minutes of rest in betwee

Mains With low energy garfish Pepper Salt ...

The fish cut into appropriate pieces to fit the form or tureen, we choose to use. Hornfiske strips placed on a ovnplade lined with baking paper, greased with mustard and sprinkled with parsley, salt and pepper. Put in the oven at 150 degrees for about 15 minut

Mains Dijon mustard Oil Salt ...

Cut the meat into strips and saute them Golden several times on a frying pan in oil, taken by. Pour in cognacen pan and let it evaporate, stirring. Add the mustard and sour cream. Let everything Cook together a few minutes stirring. Season with salt and pep

Lunch Margarine Pepper Eggs ...

Remove skin and bones from the herrings. Place them in a greased ovenproof dish. Arrow and chop the onion and sauté it in margarine. Beat the egg and mix it with onion, dill and sour cream. Season to taste with pepper. Wide sauce over warm cakes and those in a