Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Crème fraiche 38%

Sides Pepper Salt Butter ...

The 8 potatoes cooked with skin on until almost tender. Bacon fried in the pan. The potatoes's out so we almost have only Peal back, it puts you on a baking sheet. So to get it of the potatoes in a bowl and get the rest of the things in it to taste with the

Lunch Pepper. White Cucumber Red bell pepper ...

Start by cooking the egg. Take the warm up of the bed sheet and cut into serving pieces. Serve them in a bowl. Stir the sour cream up with vinegar and finely chopped onions. Cut the cucumber into small cubes. Chop the hard-boiled eggs, cut in small cubes

Mains Sea salt Capers Lime both ...

Now when you have invested in a whole beef tenderloin, it is important that you take the time to tune it properly, i.e. Remove fats, membranes and tendons gently. Use a very sharp knife. If tenderloin weighs more than 800 g, you can cut the thick end and tail

Mains Frozen green beans Parsley butter Beef Tenderloin ...

Beans and potatoes are cooked. Gravy Brown gravy that tilsmages with bouillon powder and salt and pepper to taste. De-fat for tendons. Who cut a deep groove in the meat lengthwise, which folded a little out and plumped. Mushrooms roasted on a dry pan to væden

Mains Fresh herbs (parsley purl? g, etc.) Pepper Salt ...

Salmon roll: thinly sliced smoked salmon being placed on a piece of kitchen film. Cream cheese and crème frâiche whipped together, and season with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Crèmen lubricated on salmon slices and rolled tightly, as for the roulade. Should a

Mains Watercress, fresh Head lettuce Crème fraiche 38% ...

First mousse: Salmon (like salmon residues) cut into small pieces, the egg is cooked and chopped chives be cut. Stir all the ingredients for the mousse, together in a bowl. Lay salmon slices with a little overlap in the extension of each other on a piece of

Lunch Dill, fresh Pepper Salt ...

Inserts the first smoked salmon (like salmon remains) into small cubes and mix them with caviar and creme fraiche. Season with salt & pepper. Lay salmon slices tightly next to each other on a Board with a piece of film. Put the filling on the center of

Mains Pepper Parsley, fresh Salt ...

Butter the fillets with the mustard and add chopped parsley and half the finely chopped onion and garlic over. Tires each fillet with a slice of letstegt bacon, there must not be crisp. Roll the fillets and hold them together with toothpicks or small skewers.