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Recipes with Bacon

Mains Other spices as needed Grøntsagsbullion Kyllingebullion ...

First peel potatoes, carrots, onions and parsnips and cut into slices. The oil is poured into a pan where it is heated. When the oil is warm, the different spices are put in, to extract the flavor from them. Remember and stir in the pan. It does not matter th

Mains Marizenamel Parsley Onion ...

Brown the cardels or cut them into strips and brown pieces and take them out of the pan. Bacon and onions cut into the tern and brune in the same pot, let it spin for a couple of minutes. Add the pepper / tomato paste and water and let it boil slowly for a cou

Mains Potatoes Milk Bacon ...

Peel the potatoes and start cooking them, make as many as you can eat or a little extra for the day after. Bring the bacon into a saucepan and cook it until it is finished, flatter the flour and turn it around so the flour has been sucked up by the bacon, t

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Put all the ingredients together in a bowl (but not the bacon) and mix them to a father, form the father in a long sausage in an ovenproof dish, the bacon printers crossed over to cover the entire father. Then put the ovenproof dish with the dough in a hot

Mains Avocado Bacon Broccoli ...

The chicken fillet is crossed and cut into the tern. Avocado and feta cheese cut into the tern. The bacon is roasted. Broccoli, if any. Boiled and divided into small bouquets. Pasta cooked. Mix it all together in a bowl and mix cream creams and sunflower seed

Mains Fat for frying Annanas in cubes Curry ...

Bacon switched, add chopped onions. Karry is splashing over and switching with. Add flour and tomato puree, add the pineapple juice, boil softly for 10 minutes. Season with salt and pineapple and chopsticks added. Stir in oven approx. 40 min at 200C. tips:

Soups Cayenne More curry powder and cayenne Salt ...

Lightly bake the bacon pieces in butter, dry the curry and stir. Bring onion and chopped meat in and stir around until it is warmed through and the meat crumbles. Pour the tomatoes and sprinkle in, sprinkle a little cayenne by - not too much, it is quite stron

Mains Flesh & skin of 4 chickens Pepper Salt ...

You dazzle Bacon, Ox & amp; The chicken then adds you to other Ingredients and grills them