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Recipes with Bacon

Mains Basil Parmesan Thyme ...

Put water over to tortellini (put plenty of salt in the water) Cut the bacon into medium sized pieces and put on the forehead (preferably without fat). Mushrooms are cut into slices and garlic squeezed / sliced ​​and put together with bacon. Let it stand un

Salads Crushed lime leaves Pepper Salt ...

First owe the rocula and cherry tomatoes, spread the rocula into a dish, split the tomatoes into half and equal them on top of the salad. Step the bacon and then the chicken, seasoned with salt, pepper and slices. When the chicken is cooked, cut it into slic

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Turn on the oven on 200 gr. Season the meat and brown it. Shake bacon until it's almost done. Pour the liquid from the mushrooms and season the cucumber in the tern. Put a layer of mushrooms and cucumber in the bottom of a refractory dish, put the plates

Mains "(or 1 Caroline's steak sauce + a little tomato puree) Allspice Pepper ...

The ingredients of the steaks should be mixed and shaped into steaks. Brush the steaks on the forehead and put in a dish with the sauce around and into the oven for 20 minutes at 220 degrees. Then cheese and tomato are placed on the steaks and it all gets 5

Mains Bacon Mornay carton (you can buy in the local usage) Tomato puree ...

SIMPLE PRINT! Cook pasta Stew Chicken fillet and Bacon Mix Mornay Sauce and 120-140gr Tomato Sauce SAMMEN Mix ALL ingredients together when you are there. Insert the oven into a refractory dish. Ordinary oven, 200 degrees, 25 minutes. BANG, you now hav

Mains (no garlic el oregano if the Court must be authentic!) Bacon Båndpasa ...

Chop onion, carrot, celery fine. Cut bacon. Put everything in the pan with a little fat, let it all spin. Add chopped beef and stir until the meat is crumbled and have a nice dark color. Add tomato concentrate, broth, bay leaves and white wine. Spread with a

Mains (if desired, 1 tablespoon sugar and a little cream) Pepper Rice ...

Stir a solid father of minced beef, rasp, mashed potatoes, spices, eggs and milk. Roll / swallow a good spicy dad in a slice of bacon and do it with the rest of the dad. The rollers may be Kept with cotton yarn. The bacondolms are browned in margarine and

Cold cuts Allspice Bacon Oil ...

Blend liver, spoon and onions. Finch mushroom, and garlic and pour it into a large bowl. Warm the milk with broth the dice until they are dissolved and pour it into the bowl together with the rest of the ingredients and the liver mass and stir with a spun bl