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Recipes with Apples

Desserts (warm) Sugar Water Egg whites ...

Peel the apples, halve them and stick-out ernehusene. Steam the apples until tender with sugar and water. Pour them in a sieve. Put the apples in a pyyramide in a greased ovenproof dish. Beat the egg whites until stiff and turn the sugar in a little at a time.

Cakes in form Desiccated coconut Butter or margarine Baking soda ...

Butter a springform with fat and strew a little coconut flakes. Chop chocolate coarsely. Peel the apples and cut them in both. Turn them in sugar and cinnamon. Stir in fat and sugar white and frothy. Add the eggs one at a time. Turn flour, baking powd

Soups Lemon peel thereof Fresh elderberry Whole cinnamon ...

Bærklaserne rinse. The coarsest stems cut away. Berries, water and spices boil gently, covered, 20 minutes. The juice is filtered from, sweetened to taste and boil with Apple both 3-5 my. Ideal smooth no touched out in 1 dl of cold water and pour into th

Desserts (cold) Chocolate buttons Annanas or lemon fromage (there are usually 2 bags in a package) Sour cream ...

fromagen came in a bowl along with soda vanden fraichen and whip it good and cream together whip cream and mix it is careful with fromagen cut the fruit into small cubes and good ones in. must be in the refrigerator 2-3 hours and got chocolate buttons at just

Desserts (warm) Oranges Sweet milk Apples ...

wash and cut the apples in half remove the seed cell and kernernelæg apples in a ilfast dish fill each Apple with a spoonful of dried raisins and a spoonful of nuts cut the oranges over and squeeze the juice out of them mix the dried milk with orange juice and

Desserts (warm) An entire pot of melted chocolate Apples Oranges in both ...

wash the strawberries and bananas Peel the apples cut it all into cubes set the fruit on a træspyd got the chocolate in a saucepan with water and let it melt over a low heat while you stir in the dip the fruit in the melted chocolate and place it on a platter

Cakes in form Cinnamon Salt Brown sugar ...

Peel the apples, cut them into quarters and remove core house cut the apples into small pieces put them in a tærtefad, pour water and sprinkle sugar over. turn on the oven at 180 degrees. mix brown sugar with flour, cinnamon and salt. chop the butter in and kn

Soups Vinegar Salt Save-el. fish soup ...

boil the herbs and viskpå the soup use boil the shredded apples and it macerate prunes in the soup flavor soup to