Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Apples

Salads Salt Parsley Chives ...

the potatoes are boiled and peeled, allow to cool and then cut into cubes or slices. the apples are cut free from seeds and cut into cubes. chives cut and chop chop and mix in the sour cream add salt to taste. flip the potatoes and apples in the dressing and s

Cakes in form Sugar to taste Cardamom Strøgen TSP. antler salt ...

Butter and flour is ground together. The other ingredients to the dough is added. It all is mixed well together. Be placed in a cool place, if necessary. refrigerator, for about 1 hour. A piece of dough taken from the grid. The rest rolled out and fores up

Various Cinnamon (may be omitted) Pepper Salt ...

Flare fat and blubber cut into small cubes. Onion and chop apples. Everything in a saucepan, add spices, sitting over a low heat for a couple of hours. Then pour the fat from and be cold. Garnish with roasted onions and thyme. Greaves can possibly. used as an

Soups Apples Mixed roots Vinegar ...

To Kraasemaden falls: Neck, the outer Joints of the wings, Hjærte, liver and Gizzard and the head and Feet. On the feet starts to boiling water, the yellow Membrane of flaades and afbrækkes Clutches; Head split and cleaned, Hjærnen and Eyes taken out, Tongue s

Soups Curry Bay leaves Peppercorn ...

Poularen boiled in water with a little salt and be taken up when the meat is tender Fund have to thin water down to there is a litre and add a bouillionterning. In a pan sauté the following groftskåret herbs onion Apple carrot celery Peppercorn thyme and Bay l

Salads Pepper Salt Beetroot ...

Beetroot-Apple-celery and boiled potatoes ' fine. Horseradish rives. Mayonaise and sour cream is stirred together and season with horseradish, salt and pepper. The dressing should taste strongly of horseradish. The diced vegetables in the dressing, whereby the

Desserts (cold) Cream or cream Apples Bananas ...

Slice apples and bananas and Kiwis in slices and put it up in a bowl. Whip cream or take the cream. Mix the ... Eat ... :-)

Desserts (cold) Vanilla pod Sugar Apples ...

Cut the fruit into suitable size and put them in a bowl. Råcreme: whip the cream, add the rest of the ingredients. Turn the cream into the fruit and add the chocolate.