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Mains recipes

Mains Cream Suit Pepper ...

The butter Brown lightly in a large cast iron pan or wok. Boven brunes, and invert a few times. Carrots, onions and garlic peeled and cut in half, and are distributed on both sides of the meat. Bouillon cube and break into pieces and distributed in the same

Mains Herb bouquet 1 bunch parsley a few branches thyme and 1 bay leaf Pepper Salt ...

Cut the meat into 3 cm cubes and cut the bacon or pork into small pieces. Turn the kødterningerne in the flour. Brown first roast the dice in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Add the butter and oil and Brown meat then. Add the vegetables and let them simmer with

Mains Pepper Salt Tomato puree ...

Mix the minced meat with minced onion, Rosemary and parsley. Form the meat into patties and fry them in the fat in a frying pan. Season with salt and pepper. Take the steaks out of the frying pan and cook the pan with broth or water and tomato puree. Smooth if

Mains Grated cheddar cheese Cumino (cumin) Habanero chili ...

The onions cut into cubes and sauté in a pan with garlic, oregano, cumino, habanero chili, and red chili powder. Add the water, boil up and skimmed. Then add pork meat which is cooked tender in about 1 – 1 ½ hour. The meat is taken up and allow to cool slightl

Mains Onion Breadcrumbs Salt ...

Peel peeled and cut into slices, boil in salted water 10-12 minutes. Turn the slices in beaten egg and then in bread crumbs mixed with a smuggled salt. FRY then on the forehead. The onion cut into slices and FRY in the pan.

Mains Flat-leaf parsley or parsley mug Cooked, solve rice Salt ...

Mix the Turkey meat and flour in a plastic bag and shake the flour well into the meat. Brown the meat in oil on the forehead, tag it up and got it in a pan. Heat a little oil in the Pan and saute the leeks and pepper strips a few minutes. Add tomatoes and p

Mains Fresh mushrooms Pepper Salt ...

Chicken fillet cut into small pieces, and FRY quickly in a very hot pan. Like in a soy oil, as it gives a good taste. Then chop the spinach into very fine pieces, and fillet rolled thin plates. On a plate, a Neapolitan amount of spinach, and a bit of chicke

Mains Pepper Salt Green bell pepper ...

Koteletterne Brown in butter in the Pan, seasoned with salt and pepper and place in a baking dish. Mushrooms, onions and bell pepper and sauté rensen, cut into slices in the butter in the pan. The peeled tomatoes with wetness, red wine and cream are added.