Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with White wine

Drinks (warm) A little grated nutmeg Sugar to taste Orange slices ...

Wine, spices and juice are heated to just below the boiling point. Taste with sugar, the punch must not be very sweet! When the sugar is dissolved, the space is poured into. serving The punch is served immediately with orange slices in the glass. tips:

Appetizers A little chopped Basil A little chopped dill A little chopped parsley ...

The butterdejen is brushed with egg and baked in the oven approx. 10 min. At 200c. The mussels are steamed in white wine (possibly with herbs) when they have opened, the layer is sifted from boiling down to half the cream to be boiled thick, and the mussels

Salads Mushrooms Basil Lemon, the juice of which ...

Boil the potatoes in the bouillon for about 20 minutes. Sprinkle some of the bouillons mixed with wine oil and garlic battered bay leaves and lemon juice in a saucepan. Clean the mushrooms and deli, the tomatoes are divided and the kernels are removed and cut

Mains Lemon both Dill Dill for garnish ...

Peel the carrot and cut it into thin spells. Cut the peppers into thin strips. Stir them in a little butter in a saucepan until they are almost tender. Fill them in the fish fillets and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Roll up. Sprinkle a flame dish with a li

Mains Tarragon Pepper Rice (basmati or Jasmine URf.eks.) ...

Seasoned mushrooms are shaken in a little butter and taken up. Finely chopped onions in a little more butter, whereupon the peeled tomatoes are passed through a sieve into the pan. The broth is added; It all sorts a little, after which the cream comes together

Soups Butter for jævning Tel Thyme ...

The vegetables are chopped in coarse pieces, sautéed in butter, poured white wine and fish fund. Smooth with butter bowl, mix with cream, seasoned with salt, pepper and thyme. The mussels are roughly chopped and brought in, cooked and served with bread.

Drinks (cold) Lemon balm Ice cube tray Water ...

The day before: The lemon balm is rinsed and the leaves are sipped. The water is placed in the icing tray and the lemon balm leaves are distributed in the rooms with the water. The tray is placed in the freezer, where the ice cubes are frozen. On the day it

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Chop well and pour it golden in the olive oil on very low heat. Add the ham (minus fat) cut into short strips, and then the rice. Sprinkle with 1 dl white wine. Boil the rice tenderly by stirring regularly and continue to spice with water or broth. Season with