Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Vanilla

Cakes in form The juice and the fissure to be of 1 orange Egg yolk Cocoa ...

All the ingredients in a dish and stir into the dough is light and supple. Place in small well oiled lens molds, may only be filled halfway. Bake at 200 degrees C for about 10 minutes. When the cakes are cold, they are taken by the shape, split and combine

Bread, buns & biscuits Cardamom Salt Sugar ...

Stir the yeast into the warm water and the remaining finger ingredients are added. The dough is kneaded smooth and supple and raises covered for 1 hour. The dough is shaped to 20 buns, which raises above the deck on the griddle in 45 minutes. Buns baked

Desserts (cold) Baking soda Cream or milk Milk ...

Easy and simple. All the ingredients whisked together. The cakes are baked in a dessert iron for about 25 seconds. After baking can krumkagen formed as URf.eks. ochrea, rolled together or basket. Krumkagerør: immediately after baking rolled krumkagen to a pipe

Desserts (warm) Cocoa Salt Vanilla ...

Melt the margarine. Mix the dry things in a bowl. Add the margarine and eggs and stir quickly and strongly together to a smooth dough. Put wax paper in the bottom of a springform. (springform is one of them where pages can be taken off) Pour the batter into th

Various Salt Vanilla Wheat flour ...

flour sugar salt and vanilla mix, then add 1 egg at a time, along with a little of the milk, and so forth for there is no more milk back. the dough is put on ice in about half an hour, after which the pancakes are baked.

Cookies Eggs Baking soda Sugar ...

Soften the butter and stir in the white and frothy with sugar. Add the vanilla and eggs. Then stir in the flour, mixed with baking soda in and knead the dough together. Let the rest cold an hour. Roll out dough thinly and stick-out in round cakes. Put half

Desserts (cold) Salt Peel mealy potatoes Sherry ...

The potatoes peeled and cut into smaller pieces for cocoa is stirred into the water along with the potatoes and boil for 15 minutes. The tonsils are chopped finely in a food processor or loosened from the bottom. When the potatoes are cooked, accepted th

Cakes in form Cocoa Magarine Vanilla ...

Set oven to 190 degrees. Whip eggs and sugar well, came the flour, vanilla, cocoa, baking powder and milk in it together in ca. Whip. 30 sec. and then came the melted margarine in Stick it together in ca.. 2-3 min. It must not whipped so long, because other