Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Tomato ketchup

Mains Dijon mustard Honey Onion ...

Barbecue sauce: chop the onions and the garlic finely and fry it in olive oil. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir it well. Let Cook on a low heat for 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Turn the chicken thighs in barbecue sauce and roast them in the

Lunch Oil Tomato ketchup Wine-vinegar ...

Spiced warm rinse, run by, trimmed and cut into slices on the bias. Wine-vinegar gets a slight rehash with sugar and Bay leaves, and cool. Tomato ketchup and oil together whipped carefully. Half of the chopped onion added with sherry and paprika in which vineg

Lunch Chopped dill or dry dildfrø in powder Carnation Oil ...

mix well together. Herein be matjesfileter, cut into strips and chopped red onion. Must pull a day.

Lunch Pepper Rye flour Salt ...

Turn the herrings in rye flour salt and pepper to taste. Golden fry them and let them cool. Mix the ingredients for the marinade together. Pour it over the cold herring and set them in the refrigerator a day before they are eaten. Before the server no sprinkle

Mains Oil for frying Salt Five-flavor powder ...

Place the meat in a bowl. Stir in the honey, vinegar, tomato ketchup, soy sauce, garlic, salt and aroma they pressed-powder together. Brush fillets with it, and the mariner them overnight. Heat the oil in wok and fry the fillets. Take them up; Let the meat

Mains Freshly ground pepper Potatoes (raw or cooked from the day in advance) The amount depends on how much you can eat and whether we will have more sausages than potatoes or vice versa ...

Karotfler cut into slices (not too large), or squares, if using raw potatoes, they must not be too large. The sausages cut into slices. The oil will be honored on a forehead, that end met the potatoes. When they begin to take on color, never immerse the spices

Dressing Salt Sugar Lemon juice or more to taste ...

everything but piskefløden is stirred together and season with lemon juice. the cream whipped and reversed cautious i. and you now have the world's best dressing for, inter alia, the tuna mousse from karo's cookbooks. Tips: I have seen the need to 1 tables