Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Tomato ketchup

Mains Oil Oregano, dried Pepper ...

Thaw the spinach up and chop it coarsely with a knife. Cut the chicken into strips and fry them in a little oil and Golden Curry. Chop the onion and sauté it in a little oil in a pan. Blend the tomatoes and add to the onions along with cream, ketchup and

Sauces Cream Tomato ketchup ...

The cream is poured into a pan, ketchup in at will. The sauce heats up and that is served.

Salads Salt Parsley Garlic ...

Peel the oranges and share them in both. Cut the bananas into 1 cm thick slices, mix with orange boats in a bowl. Rinse the tomatoes and cut them into slices. Arrow and finely chop the onion and garlic. Rinse and chop the parsley. Pipe mayonnaisen along wit

Lunch Herring brine Good ripe aromatic fillets Brown sugar ...

Start with touching the ketchup and brown sugar together in a bowl. Let sugar levels be completely dissolved in the finely chopped onions added. Cut the herring fillets in "chunks" and got them in the marinade with the herring brine that "hangs" and complement

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

The ingredients for the marinade in a bowl and blend with a hand blender. Com Tenderloin and marinade in a large plastic bag, and maser appropriate marinade into the loin. Let the Tenderloin in the marinade drag my 3 hours. Grilling in the Weber charcoal

Mains Pepper Salt Baking soda ...

Make a pandekagedej (meljævning touched in the bowl). 2. bake the pancakes-there must be 8 small pancakes. 1. cut Bacon up into cubes and fry them without fat in a pan until they are light brown-take them up. cut the onion into cubes and fry them in bacon fat

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Free the Tenderloin of sinew and membrane and cut it/them in 3-4 cm-thick patties. Bank them easily with hand root. Season with salt and pepper and brown them quickly in butter in a frying pan and got them in a heat-proof platter. Clean the mushrooms and cu

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon ...

Chop the onions finely, cut the lettuce leaves into strips and squeeze the lemon. If using canned shrimp, they must be made to the draining. The same goes for asparagus heads. Væden from both cans should be stored. Slice the stuffed olive slices. Heat the oil