Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Syrup

Cakes Stir well together Cardamom 2 ½ g Soft margarine ...

Milk lunes, until it is hand warm, and dissolve the yeast in it, after which all ingredients kneaded well together for a uniform batter that obscured and made withdrawals at a warm place for 20 minutes. Form dough into a ball, then resting a few minutes bef

Cookies Chopped nuts Wheat flour Butter or margarine ...

Knead all the ingredients together into a uniform dough. The fat must not be softened but have its normal texture. The dough is divided into two equal pieces that rolled out the sausages for about 4 cm's thickness, after which they are put to cool, preferab

Cakes in form Stir to a suitable consistency Wheat flour Carnations ...

Syrup, sugar and fat is melted in a pan and allow to cool. The flour is sifted together with the spices, and butter-milk is stirred in polarimetric mass. Make the dough in a greased, floured or raspet baking pan. Bake in the oven at 175 degrees C in the Mid

Bread, buns & biscuits Grahams Syrup Salt ...

The milk and dissolve the yeast in it as, lunes, however, must not be warmed with. Add the other ingredients and knead the dough consistent. The dough is divided in 2 parts, which are formed into balls and put on a greased plate. Raises for about 30 minutes in

Cookies Baking powder Cinnamon Carnations ...

Knead all the ingredients together into a uniform dough. The fat must not be softened but have its normal texture. The dough is divided into four equal parts, which rolled out in sausages at ca. 15 cm's length and set to cool, preferably in a refrigerator,

Cookies Bicarbonate of soda Syrup Carnations ...

Cinnamon, cloves, sugar and soda, ca. 2/3 flour in a bowl. Margarine is melted and the syrup is added. Let it melt together and pour up into the Bowl while stirring. The rest of the flour in as needed. If the dough is to be used for the udstiksforme, I can

Cookies Bicarbonate of soda Eggs Salt ...

Mix all the dry stuff together. Hot butter & syrup in a saucepan with sugar is dissolved. whip æggne. Mix everything together, ruld dough into a sausage and cut into 20 equal pieces. Form the discs to the balls, put them on the plate and bake at 170 degree

Cookies Water Brown cake spice Minced orange peel ...

Potash is dissolved in water magarine/butter, syrup, and sugar cooked up and decomposed potash is stirred in the mass to cool until it is lukewarm the other ingridienser are mixed together the dough is kneaded well through and rolled to the rods ø4cm be wr