Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Desserts (cold) Lemon juice Peach Sugar ...

Peel fersknen, remove the stone and cut it into smaller pieces. Blend together sugar, vanilla sugar with fersknen and a little lemon juice. Come in and whip the whipped cream and peach together for it gets fluffy peach cream. Mix buttermilk and yogurt in a bow

Cakes in form Orange juice, freshly squeezed Orange peel, grated Sugar ...

Eggs whipped with sugar and possibly. sweetener, it is white and frothy. Orange juice, orange peel and flour + baking powder stirred in. Finally touched melted cooled margarine in. The batter is poured into a springform ca. 24 cm. in diameter and bake at 2.

Cakes in form Oil Vanilla sugar Baking soda ...

Eggs whipped with sugar until white and fluffy. Flour, cocoa, vanilla sugar and baking powder mix gently in egg mixture along with the oil and buttermilk 2 dl + ½ dl water A38. Got dough in a platter lined with baking paper, ca. 20x25 or a springform (cake

Mains Fresh coriander Oil Chili ...

Cut scallions and garlic. Saute the onion, garlic and chopped lemon grass in the oil for about 1 min. Add meat and fry it with. Add water, soy sauce, fish sauce, chili and sugar. Let the right bugs, covered, approx. 40 min. to taste. Adornment Court with plent

Desserts (patisserie) Baking soda Eggs Milk ...

-sugar is poured into a bowl, and margarine, cut into small dice (1 cm x 1 cm) around or break into pieces if you like, and pour in the sugar. -When it is touched together met eggs in one at a time. -Add the milk-afterwards almond essence-baking powder and whe

Cakes in form Lemon Salt Potato flour ...

Mix the sugar and the 2 melsorter, salt and baking soda. Melt the butter, pour milk, lemon juice and finely grated lemon zest in and stir it in melblandingen. Fill the dough in a well-oiled springform and Bake 25-30 minutes at 175-180 degrees. Let the cake

Sides Fish sauce Freshly squeezed lemon juice Garlic ...

Mix lemon juice and fish sauce. Chop the cilantro leaves, korianderrod and garlic very fine. (the finer the better) Finely chop the Chili's very finely (do not touch your eyes!) All ingredients are mixed well together. This dip should be prepared immediately b

Sides Sugar Japanese soy sauce Very fresh ginger peeled and finely grated ...

Stir in soysauce, ginger and sugar together in a bowl. Whisk together and server within 15 minutes.