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Recipes with Sugar

Desserts (cold) Red food coloring Water Rhubarb ...

Rinse the rhubarb and cut into about 1 cm long pieces. Cook rhubarb in water. Fits through the sieve as much flesh as possible. Boil up with sugar and lightly thoroughly stained evt. with red frugfarve, typically if it is the old thick varieties that are

Bread, buns & biscuits Grahams Eggs Oil ...

Stir the yeast in lukewarm water. Add sugar and salt, egg and oil. Stir well. Add the dry ingredients and the crack gullerod or squash. In 45 minutes. The dough, which paste, formed into buns-use if applicable. happen. After draws in about 30 minutes. Br

Cakes White/Pink glaze Vermicelli Eggs ...

mix the flour with the gærblandingen and lemon rind, add the other ingredients and knead the dough smooth. form dough into buns and behind them.-/undervarme ca 220 C preheated. warm air ca 200 C preheated. baking time is approximately 8-10 minutes. Bake in

Mains Fresh pasta Coarse salt Parmesan cheese ...

Knead together and form meatballs to indgrdienserne forcemeat into small buns (2-3 cm. in diameter). Put the Meatballs in the refrigerator, while the sauce is prepared. Sauce: melt the butter in a saucepan. Add the tomato purée and vodka and let it cook for

Bread, buns & biscuits Wheat flour Water Salt ...

first smulres the yeast in the water, so to get salt and sugar in, stir it around in a machine. and so comes to melt in the spotlight a. first hour, so they must be shaped, also they must after raising 30 min. Tips: You can use them for the plane's, pizza,

Desserts (warm) Icing sugar Vanilla sugar Butter ...

Give the sliced rhubarb a quick rehash with 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 tablespoon water. Share the eggs and beat the yolks with 1 tablespoon sugar and vanilla airy Whip the egg whites for the meringue with 2 tablespoons sugar. Mix the meringue with mass æggeb

Cakes Eggs Cardamom, ground Salt ...

Bolledej: Magarine chop in the flour, spices and eggs added. mix around with the fingers. Yeast in lukewarm milk, add udrørt. Everything is mixed well with the fingers. Rolled out in 1 cm thickness. Dough sheet cut into 12 squares, a dollop of fill placed o

Desserts (patisserie) Cocktail cherries or chopped nuts Egg white Raw marzipan ...

Ingredients kneaded well together and distributed in small Praline moulds. EVS. can a little pistachio paste and soft nougat put in between two layers of doughnut mass. Garnish with cocktail cherries or chopped nuts. Bake at 210 degrees 5-7 minutes, s