Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Sides Milk Red chili Sugar ...

Milk, water and sugar in a pan heated up. The redecorated corn on the cob is cooked in it for 20 minutes at medium heat. Take them up of the milk and let them drip. Lime fruits peeled thin with kartoffelskrælleren. The shell is ground fine. The chili split, ud

Desserts (cold) Leaf gelatin Coffee cream Whipped cream ...

Almond bottom The oven turns on at 175 degrees. A springform well-lubricated and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Almonds blended with the sugar until finely ground. Whites whipped stiff and the whole mix. The batter is poured into a mold and Bake 25-30 minutes t

Cakes in form Cacao Sugar Eggs ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Smælt magarinen, and add the milk into the pan. Mix the flour, eggs, cacao, oatmeal powder, baking soda and magarineblandingen. Put the mass in the small muffin molds and bake them for about 25 minutes. Let them cool down for a

Salads Lemon juice Salt Black pepper ...

Udvand matjesfiletterne, let them drain and cut them into bite-sized pieces. Peel the cucumber and halve it lengthwise. Scrape seeds out and slice the cucumber into thin slices. Peel the apples, remove the seeds and cut flesh into thin slices also. Drip a litt

Sides White wine vinegar (how much chili pickle and how much white wine vinegar is a matter of taste) Chilli pickle (from pickled chili) Salt ...

It's all mixed and cooked on a low heat for about 45 min. Boil without the lid for most of the liquid has evaporated. Chili recipe for pickled chili lagen derived from m. Laurel, coriander and sugar which can be found here on the site. Can be used in th

Breakfast & brunch Salt Sugar Cinnamon ...

got all the "dry" ingredients in a bowl, then eggs and oil came in, (without touching the round) came to the last milk in. (very important! for so there will be no klumber;)) behind them like any other pancakes in a frying pan with a little butter or becel.

Pickling Preservative Turmeric Celery salt ...

Remove kernels from squashen and cut it into cubes. Inserts peberne into strips and onions in rings. Mix squash pepper and onion and pour the cold brine over. Let it soak until the next day. Pour the brine from and let the vegetables drip. Bring vinegar, sug

Desserts (cold) Sugar Blackberries ...

Cook the berries and sugar with ½ dl water in a few minutes. Cool and mash everything through a strainer.