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Recipes with Sugar

Cookies Baking powder Salt Chocolate ...

The dough is stirred together and rolled out. Pasties plug out and put it on a baking sheet with wax paper. Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees. Bake for about 15 minutes in the middle of the oven. Tips: Can garnish with melted chocolate

Mains Pepper Rye flour, wholemeal Salt ...

Rinse the herring fillets under running cold water. Remove if necessary. Ben. Put them to drain on a paper towel. Mix the flour with coarse salt and freshly ground pepper. Herring fillets in turn. Heat the butter and oil in a frying pan now well up. Stir

Cookies Butter Wheat flour Sugar ...

Turn the oven on 200. Melt the butter, and mix sugar and flour together. When the butter has cooled, mix it with a bit of sugar and flour. Stir it well around, knead like a little. Take a rolling pin, and roll the dough out until it is ca. 1/2 cm thick. Pr

Pickling Stocked vinegar Shallots Sugar ...

Peel horseradish and cut it into slices. Arrow onions and cut in both. Boil water with sugar, vinegar, bay leaf and horseradish. Add the pumpkin and onion, let it boil up again. Take the Pan from the heat and let it cool off under the lid. Let it stand f

Pickling Paradisæblemos Sugar ...

Paradise apples are washed and halved and put over the fire with the water that just hangs at them from rinsing. Then boil the tender, so that they can be passed. The bog is weighed, and for every kg. MOSS taken 7-800 g. sugar after that paradise apples are

Pickling Water Sugar Paradise apples ...

Paradise apples are washed and brushed carefully by flower and stem. The apples is filled into a blubber refinery glass. Sugar and water boil to syrup that is poured over. The glasses will be closed and henkoges at 85 degrees C in water at 140 degrees C in

Pickling 1 tsp. preservative fluid Water Havtornbær ...

Berries of the Sea buckthorn Bush arrow, possibly. with a fork, and rinse them before they place in a saucepan with the water and brought to the boil. Cook them approximately 5 minutes, then add the sugar and evaporate boils well through. Evaporate can be pour

Bread, buns & biscuits Sugar Ymer or a38 Salt ...

Boiling water, rye kernels, rye flour and ymer is stirred together. The yeast friable in conjunction with salt and sugar. The bowl is covered with aluminum foil or film, and dough made withdrawals in a warm place about 2 hours. Wheat flour kneaded into the