Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Cakes Whipped cream Fresh strawberries Vanilla ice cream ...

Pie dough: getting it all in a bowl and knead it together. Grease a suitable form and press the dough into a thin layer with your fingers. Topping: Whisk egg whites and sugar and pour it on top of the dough. Put the cake into the oven and bake it at 175 degree

Cakes Sugar Whipped cream Lemons ...

Beat the egg whites until stiff in a completely clean (fat-free) container on røremaskinen at middle speed. Pour into another bowl. Beat the egg yolks and sugar light and foamy at medium-high speed of røremaskinen. Put leaves in a measuring jug-isinglass

Cakes Milk Vanilla sugar Desiccated coconut ...

Whip eggs and sugar, light and airy, in a bowl over a water bath. Mix the flour, baking powder and vanilla sugar together. Turn it gently into the dough sprinkled through a sieve. Warm milk and butter (writer's hot) and turn it gently into the dough. Pour the

Cakes Chocolate Coconut Cream fraice ...

Whites whipped stiff, whipped with sugar and invert with coconut and chocolate. Distributed in 2 molds. Bake 20-30 minutes at 175 ' Filling: Apples peeled and cut into cubes. Reversed in the cream and creamefraicen along with a little sugar and vanilla

Cakes Salt Wheat flour Yeast ...

Dough. Melt the margarine, add the milk and lunes. Dissolve the yeast in sugar and salt, then add the warm milk, then egg and finally the flour. Kneaded well through. Formes and raises with fill. Fill. It all stirred together and place on dough. Ti

Cakes in form Chocolate Coconut Cream fraice ...

Whites whipped stiff, whipped with sugar and invert with coconut and chocolate. Bake 20-30 minutes at 175 ' Distributed in 2 molds. Filling: Apples peeled and cut into cubes. Reversed in the cream and creamefraicen along with a little sugar and vanill

Lunch Lemon, the juice of which Dried dill. Onion ...

Stir in mayonnaise, sour cream and lemon juice together. Season with salt, pepper and sugar. Herrings is cut into small strips. Onions, eggs and redbeder chopped into small pieces. Herring, red beets and capers are added on a piece of paper towel to drain.

Cookies Chocolate or jam Vanilla for the sh needs Eggs ...

flour, butter, sugar, like to mix with your hands until it becomes well blended (småsnulret). genuine mixed in and collects the to a monotonous lot. the dough rolled out in 1-3 long sausages, and særes out so they are about the size of a candy cane. the