Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Bread, buns & biscuits Cream Small teaspoon. cardamom Small teaspoon. Salt ...

Milk, cream and margarine lunes in slightly in a saucepan the margarine is melted. The yeast and break into pieces in a large ceramic dish and box the contents stirred therein. The other ingredients are added, the flour in little by little. The dough is kneade

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Together the beaten egg Yogurt or cultura ...

Milk and margarine lunes, and yeast and break into pieces. Mix together with other ingredients, with the two kinds of flour added gradually (the dough should not be too fast). Kneaded well through and elevates snug under a cloth for double size. The dough will

Bread, buns & biscuits A little salt Raisins after taste Sugar ...

Flour and sugar, sifted. The yeast in a little of the milk and stir lunes, along with the rest of the milk. A little salt and raisins are added and the dough is kneaded thoroughly, first in dejtruget, later on the table. Rest in a warm place under a cloth, to

Sauces Madkulør Balsamoco vinegar (red) Wheat flour ...

Bouillon is dissolved in boiling water, allowed to stand and cool off. Margarine is melted, and bake up with the flour broth add a little at a time, 1 small teaspoon sugar and about 1 tablespoon. Red balsamic vinegar and a little madkulør added. Be cooked thro

Cookies Wheat flour Nut kernels Sugar ...

Whip eggs and sugar foam think, turn flour and nut kernels in it. Pour batter into a greased sandkage form (1 1/2 l). Baking time is approximately 50 minutes at 150 degrees. Wrap the warm cake into a damp towel and let it drag 4-5 hours. Cut the cake into thin

Desserts (patisserie) Pure raw marzipan Egg white Sugar ...

Beat the egg whites and sugar together into a porridge and Knead together with marcipanen porridge to a uniform mass that does not stick. Style mass cold in a days time. Rational weighing of horn: a horn weighing 1100 g and deploy them in on a 110 cm long,

Mains Fresh crushed ginger White wine Oil ...

Cut the meat into 5 cm thin strips Mix marinade ingredients Mariner meat in half an hour. Cut the cabbage into small cubes Chop the onions Warm 1 tbsp. Sauté the meat in oil in woken about 3 minutes and pour it into a bowl. Fry the onion and cabbage for

Sides Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Red currant jelly Sugar ...

Boil water, sugar and lemon juice together. Peel the apples, halvér them, and remove the seed cell. Put the apples in the sugar bed sheet, and steam them barely tender (can also be done in the microwave, approximately 3 minutes at full power). Let them be cold