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Recipes with Sugar

Desserts (patisserie) Icing sugar Pasteurized egg white Almond flour (slipped mixed almonds) ...

Knead marcipanen with sugar, almond flour and egg white. -Portion dough into 20 pieces and roll them out to rectangles on 5 x 7 cm. cut 20 identical rods of nougat and put one on each rectangle. -Fold the dough around and close the ends carefully. Form into 3-

Candy Pasteurized eggs Butter Icing sugar ...

Mix the flour and sugar. Chop the butter in it, findel it and knead the dough together. Put the evt. cool ½ hour. Mix butter, eggs and marzipan, icing sugar. Roll out dough in rods as for Finnish bread and cut it into approximately 5 cm long pieces. Inserts

Cookies Salt Baking soda Dajm-balls (1 ½ bag) ...

Mix flour and sugar with baking soda and spices. Crumble the cold butter (be done easily on a food processor-remember you and then you can pick the chocolate in the first). Collect quickly the dough with the eggs. Knead the chocolate and dajm balls in (I al

Lunch Yellow mustard Dill Peppercorn ...

Herring is cleaned and filleted let the skin get on. They must then sprinkled with a little salt and pull in ca. 15 min. after which they are dried. Fill ½ TSP. Yellow mustard and a ½ crushed bay leaf in each herring. Lagen boils in my 8-10 and cfire addressed

Appetizers Cinnamon Nykværnet pepper Turmeric ...

Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. Put the chicken, onion, parsley, coriander, turmeric, saffron, oil, ginger and cinnamon in a refractory mould with water. Set the dish in the oven for 90 minutes. Take the chicken up av mould and refrigerate. Pick meat of and

Desserts (cold) Vanilla pod Soft nougat Egg yolk, pasteurised ...

Whip the cream stiff. Beat the egg yolks, sugar and vanilla to the egg snaps. Turn gently cream is in egg mixture, and pour it in a baking Tin. Melt nougaten and stir it into the cream before freezing into. Deck shape with aluminum foil, and freeze it fo

Base recipes Hazelnut shucked Sugar ...

Chop nøderne rough. Melt the sugar slowly in a thick-bottomed pan without touching to the sugar turns to caramel. Pour nuts i. Pour on wax paper to cool the mass immediately. Let it completely cool, break it into smaller pieces and crush it in either foodproce

Candy Eggs Sugar Vanilla ...

The margarine and sugar stirred white. Palminen is melted and cooled. When palminen is cooled in the margarine and stir the sugar mass little by little. Eggs, cocoa and vanilla stir in Cornflakes reversed in.. Formed into small peaks on the roll. (Use a teaspo