Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Skimmed milk

Drinks (cold) Small advocado Small ripe banana Skimmed milk ...

Cut the avocado and banana into smaller pieces and blend it with the milk. Pour it into a glass and add a few ice cubes. This smoothie gives plenty of energy.

Drinks (cold) Ripe mango Peanut butter or 2 tsp tahini-pasta Skimmed milk ...

Peel a banana. Cut it into slices and freeze it for at least 2 hours or overnight. Pour the banana, milk and peanut butter or tahini paste into a blender and blend until the mixture is lind.

Mains Pepper Broth liquid or just water Eggs ...

Stir the meat with salt. Grate the onion coarsely and carrots finely and stir both in the flesh together with eggs and flour. Add pepper, thyme and babies with milk, to the forcemeat is soft. Form 16 meatballs and put them in a baking dish with spaces. Cut the

Cakes Skimmed milk Margarine Desiccated coconut ...

Important !! Read the entire recipe before you begin: P Bottom: Whip egg and sugar light yellow, gently peel the dry ingredients and turn around. Heat the milk and melt the butter, mix it gently into the dough. Pour the dough into a large pan with baki

Breakfast & brunch Eggs Oatmeal Maizenamel ...

Maizena and milk are stirred together. Mix the rest and mix well. Stir 2-3 min each side with liquid margarine

Cakes in form Vanilla sugar Icing sugar Skimmed milk ...

Among all ing. To the dough together, but remember that the eggs must be mixed in one by one. Preheat the oven to 175 ° C. Lubricate two circular molds. Baked for 30 min. -Clean off and benefit the cream inside and out, if that is what you want. tip

Desserts (warm) Skimmed milk Blueberries, fresh Eggs ...

Whip egg and sugar airy Stir milk and melted butter in Sift wheat flour and baking soda into the dough and turn it quickly together. Stir blueberries (possibly frozen) in the dough and spread it in 12 greased muffin shapes. Bake them at 200 degrees C.

Mains Salt Wheat flour Rye flour, wholemeal ...

Pour all the ingredients into a steel and mix well together. Put it on the table it's potion in two, then roll out each potion and put them in the pie. Bake for 10 min. At 200 degrees. ' Obs. Use rye flour for rolling out.