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Recipes with Pepper fruit

Mains Beans Carrots Garlic ...

Sauté the meat in soy sauce with onions, bell peppers, carrots and beans. Mix together the vinegar, soy sauce, SWEET, flour and pineapple juice in a saucepan and let boil for 5 minutes Server with 75 grams of rice.

Mains Broccoli EVS. 1 clove of garlic Curry ...

Blot dry, seasoned meat on both sides with pepper and Curry and Brown then in the butter for 1 minute on each side by good heat. Turn down to medium heat and fry them 4-5 minutes on each side. Koteletterne seasoned with salt and keep warm, if possible. on a

Sides EVS. 1 clove of garlic Salt Sweet soy sauce to taste ...

Cut the broccolien in bouquets. The greatest bouquets halved, so the size will be uniform. Peberfrugten cut into strips. Pour the oil on the forehead by excessive heat and add the vegetables, ginger and pressed garlic. Turn it all so it will be blended and

Mains Pepper fruit Leek Onion ...

Duck breast by scratches on the fat side. The little bifilet is cut from the breast and chopped very fine with a sautè made of onion, diced, leeks into fine slices and pepper into fine cubes, like toasting of in a little butter. Allow to cool slightly. I

Mains Mushroom Maize from canned Pepper fruit ...

Bake the potatoes in the oven with the Peel. Cut the cheese in slices, peberfrugten into quarters and chop the mushrooms. Server bell peppers, mushrooms, corn, pickles and pickled onion in small bowls. Put a piece of cheese in a raclettepande and let it melt.

Mains Potatoes Margarine Paprika ...

Chicken cut into as many pieces as possible be complied with on the saucepan which is put baking paper. The potatoes cut into ½ cm. thick slices and place on to the chicken. Peppers and onions cut into rings and place over the second where after being sprinkle

Soups Salt Chopped peeled tomatoes Pepper fruit ...

Onion and mushroom chop and sauté. Add the beef sautéed with until it is browned throughout. Add tomatoes, broth, paprika and salt. Småkoger under lid in my 10-15. Add pasta and cook with in further 10-15 min. peppers chopped and added with the parsley. Boi

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

The onions, chop the peppers cleaned and cut into large cubes, onion and peppers, sauté in a pan with garlic. The tomatoes cut into pieces and add along with the peeled tomatoes and white wine. The spices are added. Leave it and simmer for about 30 minutes.