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Recipes with Pepper fruit

Buffets Apple Peas Cucumber ...

Cut lettuce and all the other vegetables. Boil Pasta if this is desired, it should just be alm. Pasta screws or a smaller alternative Mix it all together to form a large unstructured or server each of the vegetables in each their Bowl so people can mix away.

Lunch Cucumber Baby corn Carrots ...

Chicken FRY in a little oil with Tace Spice Mix spice. Pepper, cleaned and cut into thick slices. Baby corn cut into smaller pieces. Bell pepper and corn sautéed with on the pan for a few minutes. Carrots and cucumbers cut into thin slices with a potato pe

Lunch Freshly ground pepper Curry Cress ...

Cut herrings into small pieces. Clean the vegetables and chop them roughly. Cut the eggs in both or slices. Stir the mayonnaise with kefir/ymer, vinegar, mustard and spices. Season about to be more spices in. Put herring, vegetables, herbs and mayonnaise

Mains Basillikum Pepper Salt ...

Fiskefarsen stirred up with herbs and salt and pever. Forcemeat rolled into the fillets with a teaspoon. The rollers are distributed in a heat-proof dish and pour white wine in it. Fennel is divided roughly and steamed in 8 min. peppers steamed in 2 min. Th

Mains Pepper Salt Leaf celery ...

Brown the meat in the oil for about 2 min saute the onion, gullerødder in ca. 3 min Add the bell pepper and sauté it for approx. 2 min Add the champion and bean sprouts and sauté it in 2 mins. Add the soy sauce and season with salt and pepper. s

Mains Flat-leaf parsley Oil Pepper ...

All vegetables are cut out in appropriate small cubes Boiled into the pot to proper consistency. Finally add coarsely chopped flat-leaf parsley to taste with salt and pepper to taste the pasta cooked al denteFisken cut into appropriate pieces soaked in eggs an

Mains Reef parmasanost Feta cheese Pepper fruit ...

First boil the pasta. When it is done, mix it in a bowl together with thus and peberfrugten. So tearing parmasanosten over, and all the ingredients are mixed. Tips: OBS! Server it with water, and one at grovbolle.

Soups Salt Cauliflower head Pepper fruit ...

Clean the vegetables. Slice the carrots and leeks, sliced and part b the cabbage into small bouquets. Break the beans into smaller pieces. Melt the fat in a pan, and saute the carrots and beans in this 1 min., without vegetables bruner. Add soup and spices. Bo