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Recipes with Pepper fruit

Soups Margarine for Browning/svitsning Comments Marjoram ...

Brown Bacon and sauté the onions in it, when onions are clear, they are taken up along with the bacon, Brown the meat in the fat with paprika, then add the tomato puree flårde tomatoes that are cut into pieces, air-dried pepper, caraway, marjoram, onion and ba

Mains Basil Oregano Pepper ...

Boil the spaghetti. Rose then chicken/kalkunfiletten on the forehead, and cut it into small pieces. Also cut the onion and bell pepper into small pieces. Melt 50 g margarine in a saucepan and saute the onions first. Then met bell peppers and peas in,

Mains Pea skræld Noodles Sunflower oil ...

Although your arrow, and turn up your pot or something ... Then just make your vegetables ready, and then you should cook your seafood a little ... Yes and then you just throw all the vegetables in the pot up and just let them stand there and give it a little

Mains Magerine Beef Pepper ...

hollow-out peberfrugten stop it with beef put breadcrumbs on top as well as a small BLOB magerine Tips: Bake in preheated oven at 220 g for 45 min

Salads Pepper Chives Salt ...

Peel the potatoes and boil them. Meanwhile, chopped bell pepper, chili and onions very fine and mix with sour cream and mayonnaise. Dressing to taste with spices. Cut the potatoes into small pieces and mix them in the dressing. Tips: A really delicio

Salads Pepper Salt Roughly chopped parsley ...

The onions cut into rings and sprinkled with salt, ½ hour, then væden squeezed out. The tomatoes cut into both, cucumber and bell pepper into cubes. Oil, lemon, paprika, salt and pepper together and pour over salad whipped. The salad garnish with olives and

Lunch French mustard Wholegrain rye bread or 1 envelope grovflute Grape seed oil ...

Clean and chop the vegetables and mix in a bowl. The drained tuna or chicken be turned in. dressing whisked together and poured over. Serve with wholemeal rye bread 1 slice without fat.

Mains Lime Pepper Salt ...

Mix the curry paste with chili and garlic, and marinér the chickens therein 1 ½ hour. Heat the oil in a frying pan and FRY well up quickly the chicken on both sides. Add the coconut milk and let it boil up. cut peberfrugten into cubes and add them along with t