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Recipes with Pepper fruit

Lunch Herbs such as parsley, oregano Pepper Salt ...

All the ingredients are cut into cubes. Olive oil warmed slightly up in large pot or pan. Onion and garlic should be clarified in the oil. The other vegetables in at a time and stir around. Water and bouillon cube is complied with by. After 10 min. tasted righ

Mains Chili Garlic Pepper ...

Saute Turkey and onions together in oil, add the beans, cherry tomatoes (cut in half), slice the potatoes, bell pepper into cubes, add together with salt and pepper and, if desired. spices and simmer. Tips: Other meat can also be used and it is only your i

Soups Bread Salt Cucumber ...

slice all the ingredients out in half-sized pieces. Blend the soup in a blender/food processor to get the desired consistency. If the soup is too thin, blend bread with. Season with salt and serve. Tips: In Spain the blender the soup with a lot of water an

Mains Pepper Onion Mustard ...

Meatloaf ... Stir the meat with the onions and pepper, add the other ingredients. Form the meat into a loaf of bread in the middle of a heat-proof platter, set it in on by 160 gr When father's bread has been 35 minutes in on poured the marinade over and FRY fo

Lunch Dough for pizza Processed cheese Tomato puree ...

You make your dough (which does not have a special procedure). Then you take your meat and cut it into strips and then FRY it in a skillet. Then turn on the oven at 225 degrees. In the meantime, roll your dough out with a rolling pin. So you take your tomat

Mains Garlic bread Tzatziki ingredients Yougurt ...

You take your meat cuts it into strips and fry it in your frying pan. You take some potato wedges and put them in a saucepan with oil and let them boil/fry. In the meantime you are cutting your tomato and agurt and bell pepper in half-sized pieces. And put it

Sides Mushroom Cherry tomatoes Whole garlic cloves ...

Wash all the vegetables and slice the onion, bell pepper and squash into fairly large pieces. Mushrooms, cherry tomatoes and garlic cloves is best all over. Set the vegetables alternately on the spikes and brush them with the garlic oil. The spikes then grille

Mains Flutes Spices URf.eks. Curry chayenne pepper paprika dill salt and pepper Peeled tomatoes ...

First they thawed lobster raw, peeled and rinsed in a sieve of onto. Half an hour before serving to be heated the oven up to 190 degrees. Lobsters are spread out in a heat-proof dish and place in the oven without anything for about 5 min. They are taken out