Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper fruit

Mains Soy (as needed) Big cucumber Pepper fruit ...

You cut the vegetables into cubes (half-sized. So bring to boil the noodles according to the instructions on the package. Chicken FRY slowly on the forehead and then the vegetables høldes on, only carrots, cucumbers and bell peppers and later tomatoes. When th

Mains Mushroom Pepper fruit Squash ...

cut the vegetables into the "large" squares. or appropriate pieces. Came, alternating meat and vegetables on the spear. Grill it to kødsaften is ready. CA. 10-15 my. Tips: Delicious for a summer day.

Sides White wine vinegar or olive oil Butter Sunflower kernels ...

Cut the potatoes into the appropriate cubes and boil them. Except for they are never boil them to death! Cut the bell peppers, cucumber and tomato out of restrooms. Grønsagene mix with the potatoes in a bowl and came white wine vinegar ell. olive oil in as yo

Lunch Fresh chopped parsley Pepper Salt ...

1 dl rice cooked in 10 min. with 2 dl water and a little salt. Then, they pull for 15 minutes, covered. The vegetables are cleaned and cut into cubes. A frying pan with the oil warms up, and the vegetables roasted on the forehead in 4-5 minutes at medium heat

Mains Squash Dried chili Chopped tomatoes ...

Brown meat in oil with onion. Bell pepper and squash cut into small cubes, leek into thin slices and Add. Chili, and peder blend in and finally the tomatoes and water. Let it boil, covered, on low heat in cost. 45 min. Smooth mixture with marizena and season w

Mains Onion Squash Vegetable oil ...

Arrow the onion and cut it over. Rinse squashen, crack the lengthwise and cut it into slices. Cut the half-onion into slices. Cut the peberfrugten and the mushrooms into strips. Peel banana and cut it into slices. Heat the oil in a frying pan or wok. Sauté the

Sides Pepper Salt Sour cream possibly Greek yughurt ...

Boil the potatoes and cut into appropriate pieces when they are cold Boil ægene and share those on both leader. Slice the onion and bell pepper into small pieces. Dressing: mix the mayonaise + cremefrais + milk + sugar + paprika to a dressing. Season with

Mains Other vegetables can be used if one wants it Olive oil Pepper ...

Cut the bell peppers in the rods, the carrots into slices and drain majsne. Put oil in a pan and sauté until transparent. Put the meat in and let it Brown, blend the chopped tomatoes and add to the Pan, let it all simmer. put some water over to the spaghetti,