Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Mains Fresh herbs to taste Oil Pepper ...

1. Cut the sticks of the oyster hats and tear the hats into strips. Clean the spring bulbs and cut them thinly in thin slices. Rinse the grapes - halve and eject them. 2. Heat a wok or fry pan with a little oil. Start brushing and removing the meat strips. 3.

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Marining (the day before): 1. The beef should be marinated, so find a suitable dish that is not too big and put the meat in it. 2. Clean the onions and bugs and cut them into small pieces. Put them over the meat with garlic, bay leaves, thyme, salt and pepper

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Ratatouille: Lubricate a refractory dish of olive oil and first add slices of eggplant sprinkle with salt, then slice of squash, then strips of onion and pepper and chopped garlic and finally slice of tomato, season with thyme, salt and pepper and pour approx.

Mains Bread Corn flour cornstarch Oil ...

Cut the sticks of the oyster caps and tear the hat in long strips, grate them on a hot forehead in a little oil. The meat slices are diced dry with a little paper roll and lighted easily. Sprinkle a little mustard and a little finely chopped mustard on each

Mains Bread Oil Pepper ...

Brown the calf fabric steps in a frying pan in a little oil. Take the steps out of the pan and sweat the whole garlic sauce, olive, rosemary and beans into the pan. Half the tomatoes and season them and then put the steps on top of this - all in the pan. Po

American hamburgers recipe
Mains Grape cucumber. pickled Hamburger buns Iceberg, lettuce ...

Chopped well and chopped. Add the beef to the onion, garlic and worchestershire sauce. Season with salt and pepper. Let it take 30 minutes in the refrigerator. Then let it rest outside the refrigerator for 20 minutes. The meat is formed in 4 steaks of 160 g

Lunch Pepper Salt Garlic crushed ...

Rip the mushrooms on the top of the head. Blend all the ingredients to the pesto and butter a little pesto in the cracks on the mushrooms. Grill the mushrooms short, until the pesto sinks into the mushrooms. Place half of the mushrooms in an ovenproof dish.

Lunch Pepper Salt Cold fried chicken without skin and bones ...

The bread is shaken slightly brown. The chicken is cut into smaller pieces. The salad is rinsed. Bacon roast crisp on the forehead and dripping off on greasy paper. The tomatoes are cut into thin uniform slices. The avocado moses and mix with one spoon. Mayonn