Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Mains English sauce (optional) Ketchup to the table Paprika ...

Macaroni is broken once and cooked al dente in plenty of leprosy water (Any taste of one that still has to be bite in Macaroni) poured into a sieve. Chopped meat and onions are mixed and placed on a large forehead with a high fat (black pan) with a little f

Mains Pepper Salt Grated cheese ...

Put the pasta in a greased oven dish. Put porridge and ham over the cheese sprinkle over egg, cream, salt and pepper whipped together and pour over the filling. Put in a 225 ° C hot oven for 30 minutes. tips: Served with flutes or buns.

Mains Corn flour cornstarch Pepper Salt ...

The beans are soaked in ample water for 10-12 hours in the refrigerator. The water is poured and the beans boil for 1 hour in plenty of water. Pour the water off. Cut the onions in half slices and lightly oil them in a saucepan. Cut the peppers and mushr

Mains Tarragon Pepper Salt ...

Season the meat with the spices. Put some cottage cheese, freshly squeezed garlic and parsley on the meat slices. Fold them together and close them with a wooden stick. Step the steaks into the fat. Served with baked potatoes.

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Step the steak fast brown on both sides with a little fat on a frying pan. Season with salt and pepper. Cut the leaves into leafy slices. Step them after the steak add a little water and boil tenderly, taste with mustard. Serve the steak to potatoes.

Mains Cauliflower Broccoli China soy ...

You take a wok forward (I'll think of an ordinary pot can be used) you pour about 1-2 tablespoons of oil and while it's hot you peel a onion and cut it into pieces and put them in the oil and bring them a little and you will get the meat and when it has fried

Mains Garlic Oregano Pepper ...

Put the spaghetti in a pan for 10 minutes and then cook the sauce, mix it all and cook it!

Mains Pepper Salt Roast bag ...

Clean the chicken. Rub it in salt and pepper, put the chicken in a frying pan and pour a x-mas beer at the rose for about 1 hour at 200 degrees C.