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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Tarragon Minced parsley Pepper ...

Pasta, wings and 1 onion boil to a fund (about 2 dl). The meat is cut by another (let the skin sit on) in fine pieces and brune in a pan with a chopped onion, garlic, estragon, chopped parsley, white wine, salt and pepper and spin for an hour. The meat is p

Mains Pepper Salt Basil ...

Clean another. Cut excess fat away. Preheat the grill. Clothes if possible. Frying pan with foil and place grill grille over. Divide the middle through the chest and back piece to make 2 halves with each wing and thigh. Rub them with salt and pepper everywh

Mains Watercress Oil Pepper ...

Clean another. Peel the skin on the other with a fork, rub the skin well with salt, give it a little salt and a dry pepper inside. Put another on the grate in a frying pan with the chest down and put it in a 160 gr. Hot oven on the bottom groove. After an h

Mains Andesky from frying pan Maizenamel Pepper ...

The other part is poured over and both are put in a pan. You can also cook it all, but in this way you get more crisp skins. Place in the oven at 150 gr. When it has fried for approx. For 1 hour, the flower marmalade is lubricated above the other. The cranberr

Lunch Pepper Salt Mustard ...

The eggs are boiled, pilled and halved or sliced. Arrange the eggs on a serving dish. Mustard Sauce: In a small pot of water, the mustard seeds are boiled for two minutes. Let them drip into a fine-mesh sieve. Now they will be crispy like the eggs in ca

Appetizers Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Sprinkle the spinach into a sieve or directly into a saucepan with 1 tablespoon. Butter over fairly strong heat so that excess moisture evaporates. Boil a stew of 1 tbsp. Melted butter, flour and cream. Season with unsweetened mustard, stir in chopped hard boi

Mains Margarine Pepper Salt ...

Bag 6 pancakes. Melt margarine, add onions, thyme and bay leaves, let it spin. Remove the laurel leaves. Add the cream cheese and mash it, then cream. Season with tomato puree, garlic and spices. Take the pot off. Add shrimps. Bring on boiling point. Spread th

Mains Asparagus potatoes Suit Pepper ...

Put the dough with salt and pepper and put into a small pan. Stir in oven at 170 ° for approx. 2½ hours - approx. 1 hour 25 min. per. kg. Shall pull for half an hour afterwards. Potatoes are boiled. Vegetables are peeled and ordered. Blend separately and put i