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Recipes with Oregano

Mains Oregano Pepper Lime/lemon aftertaste ...

the rice is cooked and tomatoes, sausages cut also. tomatoes as you want and cut the sausages into small pieces so it's circles. When the rice is finished, and the water in the Pan is not more added half the juice from lime/lemon salt, Curry, pepper, oregano,

Lunch Bread (preferably toast but everything can be used) Oregano Cheese-alm. skiveost or grated cheese ...

Cut the bread into slices, and give each slice, a layer of tomato puree. Equal then a layer of cheese and a layer of ham, and then put the oregano on at will. The style in the oven approximately 10 min at 200 degrees. Tips: Simple, fast, and brilliant

Various Chopped thyme Oregano Mustard ...

It's all whipped together, and pulls in ½ hour and whipped again. Tips: If we are to chili, can you get 1-2 drops of tabasco.

Mains Freshly ground pepper A little grated cheese to taste Salt ...

melt margarine and saute onions and mushrooms in it. When this is nicely browned, take it up and fry the meat. then put onions and mushrooms back in the Pan and add the tomato paste and broth. season with salt, pepper, timiam and oregano. Butter a baking di

Mains Bacon, diced Oregano Paprika ...

Boil water for spaghetti. While you are cutting the sausages over. When the water boils, put you in the spaghetti. 15 mins before the spaghetti is done, you will find a bowl and mixes, ketchup, cream, garlic and spices in, mixes it together (it must not

Mains Long spagetti Milk or water Salt and sugar ...

Mix the chopped onion, garlic and eggs, Add flour, a little milk and spices. Pipes and pipe thoroughly in the forcemeat stuffing is good klisteret, it is too dry, then add a little more milk. Give the peeled tomatoes and water in a large pot with a rehash of

Breakfast & brunch Other aromatic URf.eks carry aftertaste Good cheese gauda URf.eks 4 thick slices Olive oil ...

Fry the cheese in the Pan that is greased with olive oil. Don't let the cheese melt luck. put the cheese on a plate and good spices on the cheese is served after 5 min. Tips: the cheese should melt a bit it should not only be flowing. can be eaten with a g

Dressing Chopped thyme Oregano Mustard ...

Came the marinade on while the meat is still warm,