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Recipes with Oregano

Soups A fingertip Rosemary A good handful of pasta screws Meat and dumplings ...

First bake the bacon in a saucepan, cut the celery celery into slices and the onions are cut into the tern, then add the celery and loose, raise it for approx. 3 min. Under stirring. Add the peeled tomatoes to the pan and add a dumpling dice and 5 dl. Water bo

Mains Oregano Parsley Thyme ...

1. Peppers cut into small uniform pieces. 2.Guluts are peeled and cut into thin slices. 3. Onions are cut well. 4. Season the onions in butter and then add the vegetables. Finally add the chopped peeled tomatoes and spices. 5. The sauce is silent silently

Soups Chili after taste Oil Oregano ...

Procedure Pour the oil into a pan, add tomato, boullion stirred into water, and finally salt. Let it boil a couple of min. Then add chilli, garlic, oregano and cream. Let it simmer 5 min. tips: Can be served with a good bread

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Peel the potatoes, cut into slices and cook 6-8 minutes on the pan, season with salt and pepper. (You can easily use frozen sliced ​​potatoes instead, they can also be heated in the oven if you want a slightly easier moussaka.) Meat sauce: Season onions, gar

Soups Oregano Pepper Cream or milk ...

Cook the potatoes in the water until they are tender and then add red pepper and tomato cut into pieces. Let boil 3 min. more. Blend it all, add cream / milk and spices and boil.

Mains Broth Pepper Salt ...

Season onion and meat, in a little bit of broth, add mushrooms, garlic and spice and let it simmer in a short time. Add the frozen spinach and warm the dish through low heat until the spinach is thawed. Season with salt and pepper and stir the yogurt. Pour int

Mains Pepper Salt Eggplant ...

Cut the onions well, cut the vegetables and cut the sausage into small terns. Season onion and add meat and brown it. Add the vegetables and season it. Add the last ingredients and simmer a little.

Receptions Oregano Pepper Salt ...

Preheat the oven to 200 '. Roll the butter dough out to about 3 mm thick. Slice the dough out with stitching shape about 5 cm and place them on a plate. Grease a little pesto on each dough circle. Cut tomatoes into suitable pieces and put them on each. Sprink