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Recipes with Oregano

Lunch Oregano Toast bread Mushroom ...

The oven is preheated at 180 degrees C. Alm. oven. The mushrooms were roasted on the forehead. Place the toast bread on a frying pan (but not the endcrumbs) and grease either the tomato pasta or the pizza sauce. Leave this to stand for approx. 2 minutes. T

Appetizers Greek yogurt 2% Cucumber Garlic ...

Olive oil poured into a bowl of salt, merino, soy, and the juice from the glue. The shell is taken by the Tiger rears and put in the marinade. (Tastes better if the tiger prawns have taken a day in the marina in the refrigerator) The dressing iglendiense

Mains Basil Finthakkes A little water ...

Mix it all and cook at low heat for 2-3 hours Finally cook pasta and mix it together at last. Cook with parmasan cheese

Mains Lasagne sheets (preferably fresh) A little chili Pepper ...

The oven is heated to 200 degrees. Chop the onions and throw them in a pan of grease. Squeeze the garlic in it. Stir around until they are soft. (They do not get brown, so take care of the heat!) Put the meat in and stir until cooked. Then add tomato puree and

Mains Margarine for Browning Oregano Paprika ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Margarine is placed on a pan and the chops are brined with salt and pepper. They are put in a dish. The peeled tomatoes come in another pot. Tomato, mushrooms and onions are also added. A little water comes in. Not much

Mains Aromat Oregano Pepper ...

Bacon fry until it's crispy. Remove the bacon and loosen the chicken in a bit of grease from the bacon and the chicken is browned. When the chicken is browned, add cream, bacon and paprika. Then add the chopped tomatoes and the rest of the cloves. The cour

Mains Oregano Pepper Reef gratineringsost ...

Cut mushrooms into slices, chop onion well. Use a high-edge pan or a pan. Sliced ​​mushrooms, onions, sun-dried tomatoes and ham in a tern in a pan. Add oregano. Then add concentrated tomato paste, cream and milk and boil. Season with salt and pepper and poss

Mains Curry Olive oil Oregano ...

Preheat a sautepande or thickened pot, pour a suitable amount of olive oil at (like a couple of tablespoons). Cut the onions and garlics well and transfer to the pan, the sauté until the bulbs are clear (not brown!). Add the beef and brown it lightly. Chop tom