Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

Rissoles: mix the Basil in the forcemeat, along with salt and pepper. Form forcemeat for 4 rissoles who first turned into wheat flour then together the beaten egg and finally in breadcrumbs. FRY on pan in butter or margarine. Gorgonzola sauce: cut the pe

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Ossobucoen scratched their edges (so that the ik bends together) and sauté in the oil. Sample is split into 6 boats each, and sauté with. The skinned tomatoes, water, bulion, spices and coarsely chopped garlic added. The whole simmer, covered, for 2-2.5 hou

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

Bacon roasted in a pan is taken up on fedsugende paper and saved for garnish. Tenderloin cut into slices and reversed in flour and Brown in the Pan, be taken up on a plate. The onion into half slices Brown along with mushroom in skver. Add the tomato

Soups Grøntsagsboullion Okseboullion Pepper ...

Cilantro yogurt: mix yogurt and coriander leaves and let it soak 1/2-1 hour. Potato-Leek Soup with Cumin and coriander seeds cumin and coriander seeds coarse: impact. Chop onion and garlic coarsely. Slice the Leek in slice approximately 1 cm. and potatoes i

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Cut the potatoes and eggplants for about ½ cm thin slices. Fry the aubergines in oil and put them on the fat-sucking paper. Fry the potatoes in oil, place them in the bottom of a greased casserole dish, put the aubergines on top. Saute the chopped onions

Mains Chopped parsley or celery Wheat flour Onion ...

com hakketkød, flour, salt and pepper in a bowl, the onion to rives, and place in the bowl, chop the parsley or celery finely and add to the bowl and it must be stirred together helke. You can either have a barbecue kababen in oven or outdoors on a grill, the

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Run all the ingredients in a ball, and knead them together. If it is hard to know if they are rightigt spicy, one can take a little dough and cook it in the microwave. Tips: Who kann be used just the spices you like.

Sides Hvidkåls main Onion Diced tomatoes (or 1 glass of mild taco sauce) ...

Meatballs: Chop the beetroot, spinach and onion into small pieces and mix them with the chopped meat. Form the meat into small balls. Make sure to get enough juice with beet root to the models becomes Purple. FRY in margarine for about 10 min. (depends on the