Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

The meat is freed for tendons and barriers, cut into slices of approx. 2 cm thick, beat the beans lightly and rub off on a very hot forehead in a little margarine. Spices with salt and freshly ground pepper. Step about 3 minutes on each side, turning down the

Soups Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

Chop / tern al le vegetables, wrap all three parts a few min. Sprinkle the flour over and back with the boil. Cook the soup 2-3 min. Add cream and season with spices. The soup can be blended tips: Can be served with fish or bacon in, can be served both col

Mains Oil Bouillon cube Red strong red chilli ...

Cut the vegetables into the mouthpiece bites. Cut the chop and chilli in fine tern. The tomatoes can be flaked or used with peel, they are cut in both. The oil is heated in a large pot, onion and chicken are sautéed in high heat. Reduce heat and simmer for a

Mains Cooking oil Pepper Salt ...

Blend onions, tomatoes, garlic, curry, peppers, mustard, salt, pepper and oil well together. Put the chicken in a pan and benefit the marinade in addition to the chicken. The chicken must have 60 min. In preheated oven at 200 degrees. Served with potatoes

Soups Vegetable stock Garlic Oil ...

The onions are peeled and cut. The oil is warmed and onion, garlic and thyme are well cooked. Add the saucepan and the soup cooks approx. 30 min. Accessories: Served with cheese-grated flutes. tips: ?

Mains Allround Aromat Hvidløgspebber ...

Cook the pasta, while boiling, you can get the bacon on the forehead. Cut into pieces as you find fit. Eggs, milk, cheese and spices are easily mixed in a bowl. When the bacon is almost finished, you will be on your forehead, after a short while you will come

Mains Pepper Salt Crème fraiche 38% ...

Start shaking bacon in the tern. Bring up the bacon quarters and down with the straw strips, which are baked in the grease grease. Brush the halved and sliced ​​onions together with hemp in slices. Put the meat back together with half of the roasted baco

Mains White pepper Pepper Cayenne pepper ...

Heat the oil in a large pot. Season finely chopped onions, peppers, celery and garlic for 5 minutes. Add tomatoes cut into tern, tomato sauce, broth, lemon juice, bay leaves, thyme, salt, black pepper, cayenne pepper, white pepper and paprika. Bring it to b